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60 min class (1:00:57)
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Lessons From the Ladies: Ma Lakshmi

Christen Bakken

Lakshmi: All That She Seeks Is Within. Lovely Lakshmi is often prayed to and called up when we are in need of material resources. She is known as the goddess of abundance. While calling out her name in times of need is not wrong, Lakshmi reminds us that we are so provided for. She reminds us in all the places we feel we lack value and worth, that this is just not the case. Lakshmi waits patiently for us to recognize that it is not in the next relationship, yoga pose, or wrinkle cream. She teaches that within us is an abundant source of joy, peace, beauty, and love. Where in your practice is the scarcity principle running the show? How can we let go of this mindset and open ourselves up to see our lives as full and rich?

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