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Twists are one of the best ways to take care of the back, stretch the spine, rinse the inner organs, and detox your way to feeling amazing.

Audio with Slides

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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 8 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga48 mins

Bend & Balance

Lila Whiting

This practice is here to challenge your balance. We will explore a series of balancing poses that include twists, hip openers, backbends & optional binds. This series will put your core stability to the test & offer many opportunities to deepen your poses. When you are practicing balancing, there is very little room to think about anything else, so you will enjoy a deep sense of presence & focused attention.



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Blocks & Strap(optional)
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ratingRating: 4.93
based on 14 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga34 mins

Katonah Inspired Flow

Caitlin Rose Kenney

Drawing inspiration from some creative aspects of Katonah Yoga, Caitlin Rose offers a unique Flow class that improves strength and flexibility. Warm-up in strengthening variations of Downward Dog and Gate Pose. Go deeper in standing poses and generate stability in your legs and hips. Unwind with twisting and hip releases.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

2 Blocks
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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 15 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga37 mins

Practice Not Perfect Vinyasa Flow

Claire Petretti Marti

Perfect is boring! There is no perfect pose or practice. This Vinyasa flow practice will help you release attachment to outcome and settle into the strength and softness of YOUR body, mind, and heart. You'll flow through an invigorating combination of twists and balances and play with Crow pose, if you want. Let go of of judgment and choose the joy of feeling fully present. Enjoy!



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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 6 reviews

Twists13 mins

Twists Mobility

Lila Whiting

Get ready for a twist mobility session that targets your spine and hips with familiar yoga poses and their variations to improve flexibility, release tension, and engage your core muscles. You'll feel better with an improved range of movement and less stiffness.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 4.87
based on 15 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga46 mins

We Move In Spirals

Christen Bakken

Do you ever look at your life as though it were Google Map direction? Feel like we are all supposed to get from point a to point b as fast as possible? Or like our yoga practice needs to make only forward progress? This is linear, robotic thinking, but we aren't machines or computers. We are human beings and a part of nature. In this vinyasa class, students will move their breath and bodies in circles, cycles, and spirals - just like the planets and oceans move. We will explore well-rounded sequencing, with a slight emphasis on twists, as a way to remind ourselves of our own nature. We move in spirals is a chance to use the wisdom from places you've been before to inform where you are headed.


Adv. Beginner & Up

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2 Blocks
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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 6 reviews

Hatha Yoga44 mins

Kemetic Flow: Love & Unity

Ali Duncan

Join Ali for a transformative journey through the ancient practice of Kemetic Yoga! In this enlightening class, you will explore your breath and reconnect with your inner selves through a unique blend of physical postures, deep breathing, and meditation. Rooted in the wisdom of the Nile Valley, Kemetic Yoga offers a holistic approach to wellness, promoting strength, energy alignment, and inner peace. Ali will guide you through this empowering practice, fostering a sense of balance, self-awareness, and spiritual harmony. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced yogi, come discover the timeless wisdom of Kemetic Yoga and embark on a path of self-discovery and holistic well-being.


All Levels


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ratingRating: 4.78
based on 9 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga30 mins

Moon in Virgo

Gemma Celento

This class is a part of a zodiacal series to attune the physical and subtle body to the energetics of the Moon in Virgo. It taps into the life giving forces within the self and work the hips, low belly, open the low back. These energies align new life forces, help purify, and balance the giving and receiving qualities.

It can be practiced when the moon is in Virgo, each month, or if your birth moon is in Virgo and you'd like to accentuate the physical and mental qualities.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 4.97
based on 35 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga32 mins

Good Morning Flow 1: Here & Now

Jackie Casal Mahrou

"The most meaningful moments in life don't happen in the when, they happen in the now." - Rachel Macy Stafford

This morning vinyasa flow class is designed to help anchor you into the here and now, so that you can continue to practice true presence throughout your day. You will flow through warming Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar) variations, hold twisting & balancing postures, and finish with floor postures to help balance and ground your energy. Enjoy!

Spotify playlist for Good Morning Flow 1: Here & Now


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

Block (optional), Blanket
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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 18 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga

Yummy Slow Flow

Claire Petretti Marti

Some days you want that yoga glow but you're not in the mood for a faster-paced Vinyasa class. Claire designed this class specifically to get you flowing, balancing, and opening your body from head to toe. Only a few chataranguas and longer holds of your favorite poses, like Ardha Chandrasana (Half-Moon) and Parvritta Trikonasana (Twisting Triangle) will have you feeling renewed and refreshed. Slow doesn't mean easy! Enjoy.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

Blocks (0ptional)
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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 8 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga29 mins

Moon in Cancer

Gemma Celento

This class is apart of a zodiacal series to attune the physical and subtle body to the energetics of the Moon in Cancer. It works to awaken the creative center, and the powerful forces within the low belly. It draws more energy to nurturance and sustenance of the self, and personal life forces.

It can be practiced when the moon is in Cancer, each month, or if your birth moon is in Cancer and you'd like to accentuate the physical and mental qualities.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 4.39
based on 14 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga

Feel Alive Series: Spine in Focus

Elena Mironov

In this class we’ll be focusing on your back, liberating your spine through twists and freeing the flow of energy through the central channel. This class improves spine flexibility, supports healthy digestion and boosts a sense of aliveness.

You’ll need a block for this class.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 4.94
based on 18 reviews

Hatha Yoga20 mins

Twists & Turns for Easing Trauma

Shannon Paige

If you've experienced trauma, it can be tough to show up for yourself and make it to your yoga mat. This 20-minute practice accounts for this, and gives you a short yet effective practice space to breathe, move, and connect with your trauma.


Adv. Beginner & Up

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ratingRating: 4.70
based on 27 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga31 mins

Twists & Extensions

Gemma Celento

A lively full body flow that works to strengthen connection to core and inner strength. This class detoxifies the body and strengthens how personal energy extends into the world. Specially sequenced to draw energy inward while opening the sides of the body to support outward execution. Playful flow to feel strong, centered, and agile.


Adv. Beginner & Up

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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 26 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga55 mins

Inner Strength Flow 2: The Fire Within

Jackie Casal Mahrou

Tapas is one of the 5 Niyamas in the Yoga Sutras. It relates to self-discipline and is essentially the fire within us—our drive—that keeps us steadfast on our path of growth and awareness.

This warming class invites you to tend to your inner fire as you tap into the strength within. Class combines flow, breath, core strength, arm & leg balancing, twists, and more to help you cultivate balance and gain momentum. Throughout class you are encouraged to embrace challenges while also honoring your body and your highest purpose.

Spotify playlist for Inner Strength Flow 2: The Fire Within



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ratingRating: 4.80
based on 15 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga37 mins

Soften to Stay Open

Christen Bakken

To practice staying soft when things get hard is one of the trickiest and most valuable skills a yogi practices. In this gentle vinyasa practice, we will do just that. We will fold, side bend, and twist our way into a softer more open heart.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

Blanket, 2 Blocks
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ratingRating: 4.80
based on 27 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga48 mins

Twisted Detox Flow

Pradeep Teotia

The emphasis of this practice is detoxification. Enjoy a gentle warm-up, dancing warrior sequence, intentional heart-opening and upside down fun throughout. Pradeep will make you sweat and have fun throughout this class.


Adv. Beginner & Up

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ratingRating: 4.83
based on 29 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga36 mins

Hand to Toe Flow

Kylie Larson

This 30 minute flow class has just the right amount of work and rest. We warm the body up with sun salutation and then move into our twisting and balancing flow for the day.

You will expand, contract, balance and ground as you move from pose to pose. The twists get gradually deeper and we open up the lower half of the body for our peak pose, parivrtta hasta padangusthasana or revolved hand to big toe pose.



Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 4.93
based on 58 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga49 mins

Inner Strength Flow 1: Feel It All

Jackie Casal Mahrou

This dynamic yoga class is designed to help you cultivate inner strength through presence, practice, and awareness. You will flow, twist, balance, hold, open up, and breathe deep as you practice being present and experiencing all that arises. May this practice help you connect to your power so that you can live and act from the strength within. Enjoy!



Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 4.96
based on 45 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga48 mins

Sunshine Yoga Flow

Claire Petretti Marti

Ready to release what is weighing you down and shine your brightest? This class combines fun, creative sequences to challenge your balance, twist away stagnant energy, and tap into your Manipura chakra=your inner fire. Step into your light!



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ratingRating: 4.92
based on 70 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga33 mins

Sunrise Flow 5: Come Alive

Jackie Casal Mahrou

Start your day off with this energetic flow that will warm and awaken you. You will flow, balance, strengthen, and stretch as you connect to your inner spark. When we connect to what lights us up we can live in alignment with our highest purpose and inspire others to do the same.

Class begins with flowing Sun Salutation variations (Surya Namaskar), followed by balancing, heart openers, and twisting postures. You will finish with grounding postures to leave you feeling centered and balanced. Enjoy, and have a great day!



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ratingRating: 4.83
based on 23 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga29 mins

Get Twisted

Erin Wimert

In this FREE class, we’ll explore what it feels like to allow for fluidity in the hips while in twists. This class is perfect for anyone who feels physically stuck or experiences pain in their lower back while in traditional twisting postures. Have a block handy to help you find maximum length in your spine.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 4.67
based on 27 reviews

Hatha Yoga44 mins

Katonah Yoga Flow

Noemi Nuñez

This is a sweet yet challenging flow to get you out of your head chatter, so you can tune into your body and embody the present moment in harmony with your breath and mind. This hatha sequence is inspired in Katonah yoga, which incorporates geometry and elements from Taoist theory. Quite a fun spin infused to familiar poses! Enjoy it with confidence knowing that you will have many options for selfcare along the way.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

2 Blocks
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ratingRating: 4.85
based on 55 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga30 mins

Fuggetaboutit & Flow

Kylie Larson

This class is all about moving your body to calm your mind. In rare form for my class, we start standing and begin moving right away. This class incorporates gentle twisting to energize the body, flow to still the mind, and balance to create more focus.

The Sun Salutation B series includes balancing, twisting and smooth transitions so you can effortlessly flow through class without having to think too much.

At the peak of our class, we move deeper into twists with prayer twist, revolved half moon and then work up to hasta pada gustasana (one legged hand to big toe pose).



Everyday Namaste

Strap (optional)
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ratingRating: 4.73
based on 39 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga51 mins

Want Balance? Cultivate Presence.

Kristin Gibowicz

What if life balance was found in presence? Harvard research claims that we are the most over informed and under reflective civilization in history. A life without margin leaves no space for reflection or understanding. Richard Swenson said that margin is the space that once existed between ourselves and our limits. When present in yoga practice, we can find balance before we rush past our limits. Plan to be challenged in this full body practice with the intention to pursue the ease found in presence.



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Block (Optional)
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ratingRating: 4.98
based on 66 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga24 mins

Quick Energy Flow 3

Claire Petretti Marti

When you're short on time, but don't want to sacrifice the experience of a full-length juicy Vinyasa flow practice, this is the class for you. You'll practice plenty of twists, balancing poses, planks, and Wild Thing and finish feeling invigorated. *No savasana included, but add your own if time allows!



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Blocks (optional)
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ratingRating: 4.88
based on 43 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga39 mins

Build Your Inner Fire

Pradeep Teotia

Somedays we just need a jump start. Skip your morning cup of coffee and fuel your body with this heat building devotion. Slow your breath, focus your mind and get the fuel you need from your own inner flame. This class will push you just enough to ignite that inner strength and leave you standing taller in your own power.


Adv. Beginner & Up

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ratingRating: 4.69
based on 32 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga59 mins

Yoga Alchemy: Coffee, or Else

Mark Morford

It's an all-too-common western cultural affliction: You think you're a certain "type" of person (AKA morning person, Type A, a hot mess, lazy, manic, chronically late, super serious, shy, emotional, gimme my morning coffee or else, etc). You think that definition is, in some way, "true," because everyone tells you it is, and you seek to have it reinforced all the time. Is it healthy? Helpful? Dynamic and open? Who cares? It's *familiar.* It's safe. You can rely on it. Which is why anyone who dares mess with your desperately clung-to list of defining characteristics better watch out.

Oh, yoga is going to mess with it, all right. Here's a vigorous, well-breathed, hip-intensive practice designed to help you dissolve whatever psycho-emotional, culturally-imposed nonsense you've come to believe about yourself (AKA maya, illusion, socially constructed BS) and then replace it with... well, nothing at all. No hard, fixed identity, no stuck labels, no staid cultural conditioning whatsoever - just spacious, flowing possibility, one breath at a time.

Easy, right? Not even close. But so very refreshing.

Spotify playlist for Yoga Alchemy: Coffee, or Else



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ratingRating: 4.90
based on 62 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga35 mins

Twist & Flow

Keith Allen

This practice does a little bit of everything, with an extra emphasis on twisting. Moving at a healthy pace, this class has moments of flowing and moments to hold poses and take your time and explore twisting in your body. Deep breathing is essential for powerful twists, so the breath is concentrated on throughout this class. There are tools and tips given about twisting in this class that can be essential and useful for you to take with you in your yoga practice.

Spotify playlist for Twist & Flow


Adv. Beginner & Up

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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 82 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga31 mins

Anytime Detox Flow

Jackie Casal Mahrou

Let go of negative mental and physical patterns with this grounding flow. This short class will gently warm and open your body while giving you space to let go of toxic thoughts or energy so that you find freedom. You will flow through Sun Salutation variations, find freedom with some twisting and balancing postures, then wind down. Take 30 minutes out of your day (morning, noon or night) for this short class. Enjoy!



Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 7 reviews

Fusion Yoga22 mins

Yoga for Golf

Robert Sidoti

Yoga for Golf will help to increase your range of motion in your hips and trunk of your body as well as build strength in your core, creating more rotation and follow through, thus giving you the distance you've either lost or have not found on the course. We all know how nice it is to be hitting a wedge into the green rather than a long iron :-)

Golf is very one-sided - you swing over and over on your right or left side. The sequence of postures in this class will help to balance you out. This class will provide opportunities to work on your shoulders, hips, core/trunk, hamstrings - all areas of the body that are crucial for a fluid and PAIN FREE golf swing! You will also work on your breath and mental game, knowing how important it is to take a big breath before a swing to reduce tension and to keep a positive and focused mid set, taking the time to visualize and see the shot you are about to hit.

Up your game and increase your competitive advantage through yoga! Have fun!

**Yoga mats in this class were provided by our partner, prAna. Be sure to check out their high-performance yoga mats and accessories at!


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste
