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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

Essential Sequence: Fold into Lotus Pose
Essential Sequence: Fold into Lotus Pose
Lotus Pose (Padmasana) is one you were likely familiar with before you ever set foot in a yoga studio. Surely you’d seen sculptures of Siddartha or photographs of Indian sadhus with their legs tightly folded together in a pretzel shape. It’s a pose that’s associated with serene states of meditation — and the shape of the pose really does encourage quiet.

Essential Sequence: Quick Hip Openers
Essential Sequence: Quick Hip Openers
This sequence focuses on stretching the muscles around the whole circumference of the hip joint. It’s great for relieving tension that can accumulate from long periods of sitting or standing and it’s also incredibly grounding. I like to do it after traveling or just at the end of a long, intense day. Spend 5-10 breaths in each pose (or longer if you’d like) and do both sides before moving to the next pose.