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3 Detox Kriyas for a Healthy Morning Routine

3 Detox Kriyas for a Healthy Morning Routine

As a modern fast-paced life continues to accelerate, health issues are also increasing. Modern life of today can be surrounded by a lot of both physical and mental health issues. For many, adopting yoga has become essential to maintain a balanced and healthy life. Yoga is an ancient practice that provides complete health care and purification practices are an integral part of it. Along with practicing yoga asanas, pranayama, and meditation in the morning, yoga offers wisdom and detoxification techniques to kick-start the day in the best way possible. Body cleansing techniques, called Kriyas, cleanse the physical body deeply and make for a healthy morning routine.

Here are the three three most vital Yogic Detox Techniques (Kriyas) for your healthy morning routine:

1. Jala Neti - Nasal Cleansing

Using a neti pot is a great way to clean the nasal cavity and is a natural process to stay disease-free. The process helps to remove the bacteria, removes any nasal infection (or possibility of one), cleanses sinuses, is great for respiratory health, soothes the brain, treats depression, tension, temper, migraine, and is also good for ear health. Furthermore, this technique soothes the pituitary gland, improves vision, and the power to concentrate. It is ideal for a healthy morning and start to the day. 

Jala Neti Steps:

• With the lukewarm water, fill the Neti Pot and then mix salt in a proportion of 2 teaspoons of salt per 1 liter of water.
• Now, put the Neti Pot cone in the right nostril, seal it from inside, and point the cone opening towards the nasal passage. 
• Don’t block the tip of the nozzle. Now open up the mouth and breathe slowly through it.
• Try not to sniff or laugh. Slowly bend forward and tilt or incline the head towards the left.
• Seal to avoid leakage from the right nostril and wait for 30 seconds. The water will run out from the left nostril.
• Keep breathing gently and wait for few seconds so that all the water flows from the right nostril to the left. 
• Now stand and clear the water and mucus from your nose, and then perform the same with the other side.

2. Netra Dhauti - Eye Wash

The eye-cleaning Yoga Kriya in the morning helps you awaken, cleanses the eyes, and makes you feel fresh all day. Plus, this one simple and healthy part of your morning routine is quick and easy to do! The practice improves eyesight, keeps eye problems at bay, removes the accumulation of the toxins, supports the eye-moisture for proper functioning, is great for stressed eyes, helps to deal with a headache and insomnia, and relaxes you. 

Netra Dhauti Steps:

• Sit in the Utkatasana (chair pose) and take fresh and clean water in a bowl. 
• Now open your eyes and rinse it with water by taking some water in your hands and splash in your eyes.
• Then re-fill the bowl with water and rinse your eyes again. Repeat the process for 3-5 times with both the eyes.
• You can also form a cup with your hand or use an eye-cup. Fill it with water and then bend over and then open and close your eyes in it to clean them.

3. Jihva Dhauti - Cleansing The Tongue

The Kriya is used to cleanse the tongue and purify the tongue root. It is very effective in for detox in the morning. It removes excess phlegm, toxins, and bacteria. The yellow or white tinge on the tongue in excess is harmful to the body. 

Jihava Dhauti Steps:

• Scrap the tongue with your finger or use a tongue scraper. Wash it and do it again to clean the surface of the tongue properly. 

These three easy Kriyas are incredibly detoxifying, will only take a few minutes, and have you feeling healthy all morning for a healthy and worthy day. 

By Manmohan Singh

Manmohan Singh is a passionate Yogi, Yoga Teacher and a Traveler in India. He provides Yoga Teacher Training in India. He loves writing and reading the books related to yoga, health, nature and the Himalayas. 

Connect with Manmohan: Website

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