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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

Catalin Zorzini
Catalin Zorzini
Catalin Zorzini's Blog

6 Delicious Smoothie Recipes for Healthier Hair, Skin & Nails
6 Delicious Smoothie Recipes for Healthier Hair, Skin & Nails
“Love yourself. It is important to stay positive because beauty comes from the inside out” - Jenn Proske Smoothies made of vegetables, fruits and low-fat dairy products are packed with vitamins and minerals and they offer a healthy, refreshing drink option. You can also experiment with adding matcha powder to any of the recipes below for an added twist! A variety of smoothies can be made by using a few key ingredients rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals, ranging from vitamin C to calcium. They are ideal for the warm summer months since they’re easy to digest and can keep your hair, skin and nails healthy. Adding smoothies to your diet is the best way to make sure that you consume enough fruits and vegetables. Let’s take a look at some energizing fruit and veggie smoothies today.

7 Yoga Poses to Curb Hair Loss
7 Yoga Poses to Curb Hair Loss
Do you feel that your hair looks dull and dreary? Do you go through your old pictures and wish for that thick and beautiful hair to return? Well, quit sulking, stop blaming your hair products and start practicing yoga for long, healthy and shiny hair. Hair loss is a major concern for both men and women. There are a number of reasons that can lead to hair loss, such as age, pollution, poor diet, stress, and thyroid problems. Thanks to the sedentary lifestyle we lead, stress has become the primary reason for hair loss and unhealthy hair. That’s right! Now, you can stop cursing your hair products and straighteners. They probably play only a small role in damaging your hair. Stop right there and don’t waste another penny for those expensive hair products and treatments. Choose the harmless, happy and healthy way to combat hair loss and accelerate hair growth. Yes! You heard it right! Yoga is a great way to protect your hair, restore its strength and prevent hair loss. It enhances blood circulation and oxygen flow to the head and scalp region for the regrowth of healthy hair and improves your physical and mental health as well. Here are 7 yoga poses that can work wonders for your hair. Let’s take a look at them now.

Why Busy People Need Morning Routines for Productivity
Why Busy People Need Morning Routines for Productivity
It’s no secret that routines often reap high rewards, especially those in the morning. If you have done any kind of research on this matter, you know there is a long list of reasons to rise early in the morning. If the facts are all laid out in front of you, what are you still waiting for? Here’s how it all started for me. I had heard great things about organizing and prioritizing mornings. So, I decided to take the plunge and put these ideas into practice. I set out to create my own set of morning rituals and find out the truth for myself. After only a few months of implementing these changes, I figured just about anyone can benefit from waking up with the sun. In fact, busy people might just need morning rituals more than anyone else to keep their days productive. Modern life can be fast paced, ever changing, busy, and stressful. For many, we are constantly interacting with a variety of clients and multitasking to get a to-do list complete. Taking time each morning to slow down may just help those of us who are busy, have productive days and succeed. Having a specific morning routine helps you to be more organized and less stressed out, ultimately making you a better professional and much more productive.

Break These 10 Habits to Maintain Good Hair
Break These 10 Habits to Maintain Good Hair
Who doesn’t love the sight of beautiful, lustrous hair? Don’t you want it to shine like those in the commercials? I bet you do. It might be possible to relate to some bad hair habits we have inculcated in our routined life. Getting rid of these can help you maintain your hair’s beauty and glow. Improper hair care habits such as over usage of chemical products and careless handling of wet hair can negatively impact your hair. Many people often fail to realize the importance of maintaining hair until the moment they start to realize it’s beginning to fall off. Here is a list of 10 different things you’ve been doing wrong the whole time, that you can prevent to maintain good hair!

3 Amazing Vegan Recipes with a Matcha Touch
3 Amazing Vegan Recipes with a Matcha Touch
Matcha tea lends itself to some very healthy and tasty vegan recipes. A single cup of matcha reportedly has antioxidants equivalent to what you’ll find in 10 cups of green tea. The antioxidant EGCG brings about a sense of calm alertness, and there have been studies that show that show its ability to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Greens like matcha are also recommended as a natural ingredient in hair fall remedies. Here are some very vegan but delicious recipes you can prepare with matcha: Recipe 1 – Matcha Vegan Yogurt Breakfast Bowl ​ Probiotic vegan yogurt is a really healthy and tasty proposition. Probiotics in yogurt strengthen the immune system and are great for maintaining healthy intestines. Probiotic vegan yogurt is high in protein content too. Add matcha, some blood orange slices, maple syrup and walnuts and the health and taste quotients shoot up.