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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

Unique & Complementary Workouts for Yogis
Unique & Complementary Workouts for Yogis
“It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.” Alan Cohen Now, we’re not suggesting that by mixing up your yoga and exercise routine you’ll transform your life, but it’s a start! We show up on our yoga mats the way we show up in our daily life. It’s easy to fall into a rut and repeat the same workouts, practice with the same teachers, or walk the same route.

A Case for the Morning Workout
A Case for the Morning Workout
Any time you can get to the gym is great. However, some times may have more benefits than others. Below are four reasons why exercising in the morning may be the best.

Why Yoga's One of the Best Workouts You Can Do
Why Yoga's One of the Best Workouts You Can Do
So, what was your New Year’s resolution for 2016? If you’ve yet to break it (good on you, by the way!), let us help you smash it – and the rest of your fitness goals – this month and beyond.

5 Ways to Bring Some Sunshine into Winter
5 Ways to Bring Some Sunshine into Winter
During the winter months, the opportunity to play outside is limited by shorter days. Some of us are in the office all day and by the time we leave; the sun’s already set. Whether you’re in a brisk climate or a mild one, you may feel stuck inside more than you’d prefer. If you’ve got a case of cabin fever, try one or all of these five simple ideas to infuse some summer sunshine into your day.