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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


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Breaking Down Transformation
Breaking Down Transformation
Transformation is often touted in the yoga world as an aim for which we practice. In fact, the phrase “transformation starts here” is written on the door of one of the yoga studios where I teach. But what does that word really mean? What does the process of transformation look like? How do you teach it or guide that experience for someone else?

New Year, New Moon in Capricorn (12/29/16): Step Into the Light of Your Power
New Year, New Moon in Capricorn (12/29/16): Step Into the Light of Your Power
The final new moon of the year gives us a perfect opportunity to set clear intentions for 2017 and start fresh. It is through the new moon that we cultivate what we wish to bring into our lives, to grow and develop, and to nurture into fullness. With the new moon so close to New Year’s Eve, it’s is a perfect opportunity to tend to your goals, particularly in the areas of your career, responsibility, growth and maturation and discipline. Have you been skimping on a regular spiritual practice? Do you find yourself procrastinating? Are you not stepping up to the responsibilities that life is handing you? Now is the time.

The Power of Surrender
The Power of Surrender
Surrender is so hard to do. We fight against it. We swear and struggle and resist as if we were a cat being squished in a bag. And yet, and yet...we are called by our life to surrender more often than not.