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Creamy Banana Chia Pudding

Creamy Banana Chia Pudding

Years ago, I’d do anything for a box of Junior Mints or Peppermint Patties. I’d fallen prey, like many of us, into the low calorie, nonfat mindset of the 90’s where Snackwells and Fig Newton’s were all the rage.

As I’ve transitioned into a healthy lifestyle and a new way of eating, I’ve found myself looking for healthy sweet treats. I’ve realized that the packaged so-called “health foods” just fed my sugar demons, leaving me with an artificial sense of healthy and a sugar hangover to boot.

Instead of going cold turkey, I started looking for other options to satisfy my sweet tooth, something delicious and decadent that could replace, if not outperform my old guilty pleasures. Below is one of my favorite new recipes. It’s so rich and creamy you’ll hardly believe it’s actually good for you!

With sweet sassy smooches,

Creamy Banana Chia Pudding

Yields: 6 servings


2 TB. hemp seeds
1 ½ cups water
2-3 dates, pitted
2 bananas
½ cup chia seeds
½ tsp. sea salt
1 tsp. vanilla
Cinnamon to taste
Cacao nibs (optional)


Mix hemp seeds and water in a high-speed blender until completely smooth. Add in dates, bananas, sea salt and vanilla. Pour the mixture into a bowl and stir in chia seeds. Let it sit for 30 min or overnight in the refrigerator for a super thick pudding. Top with a few cacao nibs and a dash of cinnamon. Enjoy!

Co-founders and authors Jo & Jules have led tens of thousands of people through their 14-day Conscious Cleanse program. Through their experiences, they’ve learned that the single most important skill when it comes to taking control of your health is learning to cook simple, nutrient-dense meals. Their new cookbook, The Conscious Cleanse Cookbook, has everything you need to master the art of clean cooking.

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