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Find Your Flow

Find Your Flow

Depending upon in which hemisphere you live, you’ve either just celebrated the Summer or Winter Solstice. Long summer days characterized by sunshine and short nights or long dark nights to rest and recuperate. Wherever you are, take a moment to check-in and ask yourself if you are living your life in the flow right now. When we are in the flow or the zone, we are aligned with ourselves, with our community, and with nature. 

If you’re feeling in alignment, great! If you need some encouragement and support to find your optimal rhythm, we’re here to help. We’ll work together to find our flow on the yoga mat so we can take our renewed sense of connection off the mat for the rest of the day. Vinyasa flow yoga is an excellent way to create strength, balance, flexibility, and connection.

Vinyasa translates from Sanskrit as to place in a special or sacred way. Vinyasa Flow yoga emphasizes working on linking breath and movement to create a moving meditation on the mat. Classes can be vigorous and physically challenging with an emphasis on fiery energy or soft and flowing with an emphasis on grace and gentleness. Unlike styles of yoga where the postures are a set sequence, like Ashtanga or Hot, Vinyasa Flow classes are varied and creative and emphasize an instructor’s individual style and sequencing. 

When you are practicing connecting your breath to each movement, your mind naturally quiets and sensations in your body guide you. While building strong bones and healthy joints, you’re also stepping away from distractions and connecting with your emotions. The deliberate emphasis on creating a continuous flowing practice allows you to generate heat, to create a balanced physical body, and relieve stress and anxiety. The end result is feeling in the flow with yourself and the world around you.

This week, join us as we focus on finding that flow through practice and beyond. We’ve compiled four very different classes for you to fit whatever mood you might be in. From an early morning flow designed to awaken and enliven your senses to a class created to tune into your inner “Wild Thing,” there’s a class suited for you. 

1. Jackie Casal Mahrou - Sunrise Flow 1: Wake Up

2. Mark Morford - Yoga Alchemy: The Axis

3. Lindsay Gonzalez - Vinyasa: Wild Thing

4. Flow with the Go - Dana Smith

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