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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

Flows to Revitalize
Flows to Revitalize
Now, we’re not saying you aren’t perfect just as you are but it’s easy to become a little too comfortable with our routine sometimes. And when we realize we’re no longer challenging ourselves, it’s a wakeup call. If we aren’t growing and expanding, we become stagnant. Yoga can empower you to tap into your inner fire, so you continue to grow and move forward in your life. Yoga reminds us that everything is temporary. The only constant is change and tuning into this universal truth reminds us to continue to renew our minds, hearts, and bodies. Asana, Pranayama, and Meditation all help balance our nervous system. Then, we can better manage our thoughts and emotions, not to mention feel physically better.

Find Your Flow
Find Your Flow
Depending upon in which hemisphere you live, you’ve either just celebrated the Summer or Winter Solstice. Long summer days characterized by sunshine and short nights or long dark nights to rest and recuperate. Wherever you are, take a moment to check-in and ask yourself if you are living your life in the flow right now. When we are in the flow or the zone, we are aligned with ourselves, with our community, and with nature. If you’re feeling in alignment, great! If you need some encouragement and support to find your optimal rhythm, we’re here to help. We’ll work together to find our flow on the yoga mat so we can take our renewed sense of connection off the mat for the rest of the day. Vinyasa flow yoga is an excellent way to create strength, balance, flexibility, and connection.

Get in the Flow
Get in the Flow
When is the last time you were “in the flow?” You know, when you were doing something you love, like surfing with the sun warming your face and the water glistening around you? Or, when you were dancing to your favorite band and responsibilities disappeared or when you were running with the breeze kissing your skin? When you’re so immersed in the activity, you aren’t conscious of the doing; you are simply doing. We’ve all slipped into involuntary Dhyana and often believe we need a certain activity to find that beautiful sense of being in the moment, free from external distractions. What if you could achieve that state voluntarily without the ocean, concert hall, or running shoes? You can. Yoga can help you discover this place. Roll out your yoga mat because you can get into your zone right now. We bring you four new flow classes this week, all focusing on different aspects of finding your flow state through breath and movement. "Flow, also known as the zone, is the mental state of operation in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity."