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65 min class (1:07:06)
$ 8.99
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Speaking from the Head & Heart

Kristen Boyle

How is it going with expressing myself clearly? Am I speaking from head or from heart?

The Vissuddha Chakra, or throat chakra, connects the head to the heart. Knowing from which place we speak impacts the language we use to describe our life, and that shapes our perception of it. When we can speak from the "eye of the heart" and the "knowing beyond intellect" then the words we use ring clear.

In this full hour practice, we explore poses that involve both compression and extension of the throat. We open the heart. And, we acknowledge that with foundation and creativity in balance, we create a stronger self, which allows for the heart, throat and head to connect.

This exploration, as yoga allows, happens on both on a conceptual or metaphysical level, and in our physical alignment.

Spotify playlist for Speaking from the Head & Heart

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