Dear YogaDownload students,
I feel lucky to be able to guide you through these practices virtually for several years now. Yoga has helped me so much, and it makes me happy that I get to share it with you all around the world, in your living rooms, offices, or wherever you practice virtually. It's nice to hear from you also, so never hesitate to reach out, it makes my day, and I welcome any requests for future classes. It's also been amazing to meet many of you in person at retreats over the past few years.
Remember to keep showing up for yourself on your mat, even if you've fallen out of the habit of practicing for a while, you feel pressed for time, or unmotivated. The frequency of your practice might ebb and flow, but all it takes is one good practice to get back into the swing of it and remember how good yoga can make you feel.
What inspires your teaching?
My teaching is inspired by what I'm experiencing in my life and my body. I usually get onto my mat without a plan and let my body guide me to the poses and practices it needs on a given day, and then I teach that. It's always changing. The same goes for any inspirational themes. I teach lessons that I need to hear and work on myself.
What are your favorite places in the world and what do you love about them?
This list is always changing and evolving. I've been lucky to have lived around the world and traveled extensively. Thailand is one of my happy places and a true paradise. Amsterdam, Saigon, and Melbourne are some of my favorite cities and New York is where I feel the full spectrum of humanity more than anywhere else. I just got to see many places in Italy for the most recent YogaDownoad retreat and it blew my mind!
What is a wish you have for the world and humankind?
That we're more tolerant and loving of people with different opinions and less righteous. No one is right about everything, and no matter how much we might disagree with someone and feel justified in our rage, the energy of perpetual outrage is toxic and doesn't change anyone or improve the world. We need more good conversations where we might disagree with the other person, without thinking less of them or judging their character. We have so much more in common than we realize and so many of us are stuck in a cycle of divisiveness. So my goal is more unity, tolerance, and open-mindedness.
What gives you a sense of purpose?
When I am clear on where I'm putting my energy and where I'm going in life, I feel a sense of purpose. This can ebb and flow like anything else in life, with chapters where I'm very clear on what my purpose is, and others where there is change and confusion and I need to recalibrate until my vision and purpose become clear again for the next chapter of life.