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2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow


2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow

DAY 5: 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow

DAY 5: 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow

Welcome to Day 5 of the 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow

Friday, April 16th.

Happy Friday! You're nearing the halfway point and we hope you're feeling strong and open.

Today you've got three distinct practices to choose from. If you enjoyed the higher intensity practice yesterday with Mark, you've got the chance for another one today that is more condensed. If you want a relaxing Friday evening choice, Jackie's class is a lovely evening class (that can also be practiced anytime throughout the day). Or if you like to hold postures, Keith's class is for you. 

Keep up the amazing work!

Here are today's class choices:


Evening Enlightenment Yoga with Jackie Casal Mahrou

50 min class | Level: All Levels | Intensity: Everyday Namaste

This all-levels class will ease you into your evening by helping you release any physical or mental stress from your day and inviting you to arrive in the moment. Jackie first guides you through several warming postures to help you move any stuck energy, and then leads you through hip opening postures to help you feel grounded. This class will leave you feeling lighter and more present for your evening or bedtime.


Strong & Slow Yoga with Keith Allen

35 min class | Level: Adv. Beginner & Up | Intensity: Everyday Namaste

This sequence of postures will slowly open and strengthen your entire body. You will hold poses, one at a time, for several breaths, to deepen into them and fine-tune your alignment. You will be guided to connect with your breath, go inwards, and find your steadiness in a variety of yoga poses. This class consists of mostly standing postures, with a mix of balance, twists, and heart-openers, and more. Some portions of this sequence are inspired by the traditional hot yoga sequence.


Firestarter: Smoke the Core with Mark Morford

20 min class | Level: Adv. Beginner & Up | Intensity: You'll Feel It

Newsflash: Core work has nothing to do with developing rock-hard abs. It’s not about grimacing through a pile of crunches you sort of hate but “endure” because you know you “should” (or if it is, perhaps it’s time to rethink your practice). Core work is about deep ignition. It’s an intentional tool to more deliberately, skillfully digest/burn off what we consume, and better access our true center to maintain physical AND energetic poise, even as the world hurls its madness all over you.

We start with kapalabhati to ignite the breath, polish the skull and bring some heat to your attention. Followed by a rapid buffet of crunches, bicycles, scissors, oblique pulses, a few other core bits you can totally handle once you stop thinking so much and embrace the fire. You know you want to.

Spotify playlist for Firestarter

**you only need to choose one class**

Be sure to share your challenge experiences in the comments section!

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