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Contentment and Enoughness

Contentment and Enoughness


instead of focusing on …

what you don’t have

what you want

comparing yourself to others

getting stuck in the trance of scarcity and not-enoughness


step into …

what is already yours

be content with right where you are

love your beloved, your friends, your coworkers just as they are

accept the self in it’s perfect imperfection

open to the abundance that is already yours?

Santosha (contentment) is a mental decision, a moral choice, a practiced observance you can make at any time. To practice contentment is to say, “This is enough, this moment is enough, this person is enough, this meal is enough, right here and right now … it is enough.”

Remember only you can bring happiness to yourself.

So today and everyday for the rest of the week, pause each morning/midday/before you go to bed to acknowledge something, even one thing, with which you are wholly and simply content. Notice how the small act of acknowledgement can shift your thoughts, calm the breath and radically open the heart.


By Alex Cordoba

Alex Cordoba began practicing yoga in 2001 and from that very first class she fell in love. It was when on the mat that Alex felt truly at home. Like a voice is to a singer or a paintbrush to an artist, yoga became just that for Alex’s life…it was her muse through which to share her passion to the world. In Alex’s classes she weaves together yoga philosophy, asana, pranayama, laughter, messages to inspire and uplift so that she can offer a unique and creative journey to her students every time they come to the mat. She encourages her students to practice compassion and patience towards others and themselves, to invite breath in, to find laughter, humility, and grace on the mat, and to be open to the possibilities and the adventures that arise when one dances with uncertainty. Read more about Alex at

Classes from Alex Cordoba coming soon to YogaDownload!
Start practicing today with these yoga & meditation classes: 

Sweet Balance - A Pranic Meditation - Katie Silcox 
Restorative Yoga  – Jackie Casal Mahrou
Grounding and Centering Your Personal Field (meditation)  – Nancy Nielsen

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