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We are perfect
We are better than anyone else
We have achieved something in our life
No; actually up-leveling means that now we are more aware 

More aware of our thoughts, our actions, our words and more aware of how we function in the world.  We are more aware of how we show up in relationship, what we want in life and how to get there.  We look outside ourselves and witness the reality and truth of what IS.

Up leveling gets you nowhere in particular, but more awake.  And if you’re doing it “right”, you are always offered the opportunity to up-level; whether or not you take that opportunity is entirely up to you.

Up-leveling your vibration is not all that easy.  It’s actually quite challenging because it requires letting go of old stuff and moving into what you may LABEL as unfamiliar.  It’s actually easier to get snagged by limiting beliefs, old patterns, and the lower vibration of other people in your path, than it is to raise your own vibration. And now with social media, it’s so easy to get distracted by all the publicly announced accomplishments of everyone else than it is to focus on your own stuff.

Raising your vibration requires work, there’s no doubt about it. 

I was laughing this week because well, this theme is so resonate with me right now.  I was sitting there, going through my task list for the week and amidst the “blog post, social media training/posts, enter emails, update site” was “prepare for meeting with Dove, get processes outlined for assistant, send grant proposal to Lululemon, prepare for meeting with potential business manager, read through proposal from book publisher”.  Talk about uncomfortable!

But wait … then, on my other post-it pile there was, “reformat computer, take photos off phone, update and back up phone, complete relocation order for children, and get summer schedule for kids together.”   Needless to say I went to Juice Alley, decided to juice this week and ran up and down the Lyon Street steps all week long just to clear my head and heart.

That is up-leveling – having a lot happening at one time and being able to see above it.  Noticing the “balls in the air” and recognizing how each one is integral to the other.  Becoming extremely aware that something is shifting, noticing that this may have been offered before, but this time, you will do something different to support the elevation.  And in all this shifting, you get a bit uncomfortable but you do it anyway.

Because in that uncomfortable space, something does shift.  It’s a release of old patterns; it’s a letting go of old beliefs, and it’s a trust that this time will be different because you are different.

We up level our energy when we:

Look at the stillness and locate our distractions
Recognize what is holding us back and sit in the un-comfortableness
Take care of old “business” or “karma” that weighs us down
Acknowledge our greatness and move toward it
Embrace the truth that we deserve all the amazingness coming our way
Up-leveling, sharing our gifts, learning, growing, letting go and shining anew, is why we’re here.

Use this time of Mercury Retrograde to:

            Renew — rethink — realign — reignite — rewire

 Shift everything you think you know into an up-leveled version, which means, you may not know what you’re doing but on some level, I promise you do.  And when you leave the familiarity with no promise of something bigger or better … you will fall into a flow that is so familiar, you won’t remember what it was like before.

By Dana Damara

“My passion on the mat is proper alignment, powerful breath and effortless flow so you feel that off your mat. Your practice becomes sacred space where you arrive to find more meaning, depth, authenticity and integrity in your life."

- Dana Damara: mother, author, yoga instructor, speaker and yogini.

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