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Daily Devotion: Showing Up For Yourself

Daily Devotion: Showing Up For Yourself

“To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.” - Oscar Wilde

It’s time to hit the pause button and contemplate how much time you take out of your day to refill your well. How often do you make yourself a priority––your wants, your needs, your desires? And consider whether you feel guilty if you choose yourself first. 

We’re not talking about being selfish or narcissistic or self-centered. Often, we’re afraid that if we choose to take an hour to practice yoga or take a nap or fill in the blank here, we’re letting others in our life down. No! Remind yourself that taking care of your own physical, mental, and emotional health should be at the top of your daily list. It is only by loving and caring for ourselves that we can truly show up in the world as our best selves. Look at self-care as a priority. 

These days, the culture of “busy” seems to be glorified. But having a busy jam-packed schedule, full of obligations you must handle before doing something you enjoy isn’t living your best life. We’ve only got the present and living it fully, in the now, is really all we’ve got. If you’re burned out and living appointment to appointment, you’re missing out. You’re also not going to feel as strong and powerful as you may need to deal with challenges and crises.

One of the most powerful aspects of yoga is the lesson to be present. To embrace the now. To learn to be fully in your feelings and experience what’s happening. If we’re always running around without stopping to make sure we’re taking care of ourselves, we’ll never find that inner joy and peace. It’s time to embrace the perspective that self-care is necessary! 

We’re here with a gentle nudge, especially if you’ve been doing everything else except practicing yoga. This week’s classes are focused on devoting time to your well-being. No matter what else is happening in your life, carving out time to be in your breath and body can be your high point. So go ahead, show up for yourself! 

Mark Morford - Devotion Intensive III: Do It On the Floor

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class

Patrick Montgomery - Strength & Devotion

Shapadpreet - Kundalini Yoga Therapeutics: Release and Restore

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