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How to Stay Healthy, Calm & Courageous During COVID-19

How to Stay Healthy, Calm & Courageous During COVID-19

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing called life." -Prince

Life as we know it is different in ways you may never have imagined. At this moment in time, it feels like Mother Earth has hit the pause button for all of us. Nobody is immune to this unprecedented challenge we are facing. Just like Prince sang––we are all here to navigate through this together! And we will make it through to the other side. 

Yoga teaches us that everything is temporary. Everything. We are facing a choice now: choose to see this moment in time as an opportunity for reflection and growth or as a time to be frustrated and defeated. It’s all a matter of perspective.

We’re in it, so why not make the most of this enforced seclusion, which is basically a virtual cocoon? Chose to emerge as a butterfly.

This period in time is a perfect chance to focus on your health and strengthening your immune system. Whether you’re busier because you’re homeschooling your children and working from home or you’re feeling adrift because you can’t work at all, carve out a few minutes for yourself. At, we’ve built a global community and even if you’re practicing yoga in your living room or back yard, you’ve got the knowledge that thousands of other yogis are doing the same thing. We’re in this together. 

As you reflect during or after your practice, remind yourself of all your blessings. Perhaps with everything else in your life on hold, you can redirect your attention to appreciate all you do have. We cannot control external events, but we can control how we react to them. Focus on how lucky you are to have your health, to have a roof over your head, to have friends and family, even if you can’t be with them physically right now. Remind yourself that there’s always someone who could benefit from a call or an email or a letter––someone who needs some extra love directed their way.

Challenge yourself to consider all the things you’ve procrastinated on because you didn’t have time to do them. Here you go! Take that online language course, re-read your favorite books, learn how to do a handstand, clean out the dreaded closet(s), or binge watch every single show on Netflix if you want. You’ve got the time now, so choose where you want to spend it. Don’t forget yoga!

We’re thrilled to offer a new three-week challenge starting on April 6th to help you stay focused on your yoga practice.

Our vast worldwide community will participate and you’ll have the chance to share your experiences and support one another each day, and feel a real sense of connection. We’re all in this together. You can do this.

Sign up for this challenge, now!

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