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Going Beyond Asana

Going Beyond Asana


More and more classes are starting to incorporate an integral or full-spectrum yoga experience. The integral yoga class includes asana (postures), pranayama (breath work), and meditation. Classes are challenging and include a mix of twists, inversions, and back bends within a vigorous flow. Keeping in mind your own personal yoga practice, these inversions and back bends do not have to be advanced postures. They only need to be challenging to your body.

Meditation serves all human beings by slowing down our brains and allowing us to get in touch with our subtle energy systems. It is a method to still the mind and become more aware of our true identity as a spiritual being that ‘wears’ a physical body.

What you can expect out of meditation is a calmer existence, a less reactive response to life. Meditation literally helps you deal with the ups and downs of your day with more equanimity—more stability in the moments of ups and downs. We begin to understand that ups and downs are normal, continuing and ever shifting; we soon realize they are impermanent and do not warrant our mental angst. Meditation is something that must be experienced to understand. Just as T.S. Elliot teaches, information does not equal knowledge. You need to do the work to gain the knowledge.

Commit to trying my integral classes below for at least a month and see how the practice changes and serves you. I look forward to hearing about your experience! Namaste.

By April Laliberte

Striving to incorporate a mix of asana, pranayama and meditation into all of her classes, April offers her students a well-rounded and transformative yoga experience. She brings “playful and the skillful” together on the mat, where the body and breath become yoga. Read more about April at her blog, and check out her company, Nomadic Import Traders

Try one of April's classes today!

Big Backbends 

Essential Inversions 

Chakra Awareness Meditation 


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