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Astavakrasana - 30:00
$ 14.95
Mermaid II - 30:00
$ 14.95
Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana - 30:00
$ 14.95
Vasisthasana - 25:00
$ 14.95
Wild Thing - 25:00
$ 14.95
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Asana Diagnostics

Amber Huttner

This series of videos uses a unique, three-part methodology that helps you access some of yoga's most challenging poses.

Diagnostics, Skill Builders, and Pose Variations give you the tools to customize your practice as you work towards achieving poses that you never thought possible.

Join master teacher Amber Huttner in a journey of exploration that has fun, insight, and success built into every step along the way to achieving your fullest expression of these magnificent poses.

Asana Diagnostics

Astavakrasana   Mermaid Pose   Paravrtta Janu Sirsasana   Vasisthasana   Wild Thing Pose

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