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WINNERS ANNOUNCED! 2-Week Vibration & Creation New Years Challenge

This challenge has ended - a BIG congrats to all those who participated! Be very proud, and be sure to soak and bask in the benefits for all your hard work and effort (doesn't it feel GREAT?!)!! And most importantly, continue with your momentum. Do your best to keep up with your consistent practice...even 20 mins can change your entire day!

And without further ado, here are the winners of our amazing prize packages:

Grand Prize Winner: Pamela D. - Port Angeles, WA.

Runner Up Winner 1: Linda B. - San Diego, CA..

Runner Up Winner 2: Rachel R.Lancaster, PA.

Runner Up Winner 3: Nikki K.southern CA.

CONGRATULATIONS!! You can view the prize packages below.

We only work with brands we love and who embody our same yogic values! Please do what you can to help support our generous prize partners.

The FOUR lucky challenge prize winners will receive the following prize packages*:


  1. Well Life - $100 digital gift card
  2. Yoga Democracy - $100 digital gift card
  3. Pirani Life - $100 digital gift card
  4. Mache - $100 digital gift card
  5. 1-Year Unlimited Membership - to YogaDownload - $120 value


  1. Well Life - $50 digital gift card
  2. Yoga Democracy - $50 digital gift card
  3. Pirani Life - $50 digital gift card
  4. Mache - $50 digital gift card
  5. 6-Month Unlimited Membership - to YogaDownload - $70 value


Well Life
Well Life was brought into this world with the mission of creating products that reduce the amount of chemicals we use for ourselves and our pets, thereby putting less strain on the environment around us. We promise to continually work on this and to find packaging that does the same.

Yoga Democracy
Yoga Democracy was born from a deep-seated vision to forge a new standard in athletic wear—a standard that unites people, nurtures the planet, and embodies the essence of the yoga lifestyle. This is more than just apparel; this is a proclamation of your dedication to a life imbued with purpose.

Pirani Life
Pirani's mission is to empower everyday heroes in safeguarding our planet through raising eco-awareness and creating high quality sustainable solutions to single-use products.

Mache designs beautiful yoga and fitness storage and self care tools that support your practice while honoring the planet. All of our yoga storage products are handmade in the United States in small batches, and processed clean. Team Mache lives and breathes Sustainability, Wellness, and Design.

*To enter: comment about your class each day on this challenge page and/or post on FB/IG and tag @yogadownload 


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2-Week Vibration & Creation New Year's Challenge


2-Week Vibration & Creation New Year's Challenge

Day 14 - 2-Week Vibration & Creation New Years Challenge

Day 14 - 2-Week Vibration & Creation New Years Challenge

Welcome to Day 14 of our 2-Week Vibration & Creation New Year's Challenge!

Tuesday, January 14th

Congratulations! You’ve made it to the final day of the Vibration & Creation New Year’s Challenge—what an amazing accomplishment! Over the past two weeks, you’ve shown incredible dedication to yourself, your well-being, and your practice. Whether you’ve joined every single day or simply done your best to participate, you’ve created something truly powerful: momentum.

Think about how far you’ve come—14 days of yoga, intentional movement, and self-discovery. You’ve nurtured your body by building strength, flexibility, and balance. You’ve soothed your mind by reducing stress and connecting to the present moment. And you’ve fueled your spirit by creating space for intention, inspiration, and growth. This challenge isn’t just about yoga; it’s about what yoga brings into your life: clarity, resilience, and an unwavering sense of possibility.

Today, for the final class, you have two incredible options to help you celebrate and reflect: "Fitness 'n' Yoga: Evening Flow" with Ben: A 30-minute all-levels class to help you unwind, stretch, and close out the challenge with calm and gratitude, or "Keep Moving Forward" with Christen: A 45-minute intermediate class designed to inspire you to carry this momentum into the days ahead.

While today marks the end of this challenge, it’s also a beginning. You’ve built a habit of showing up for yourself—don’t let it stop here! Keep your momentum going by continuing your yoga practice. Make it a part of your daily life, and watch as the benefits ripple through every aspect of your well-being.

We’re so proud of you and honored to have been a part of your journey. You’ve proven to yourself just how much you can accomplish with consistency, intention, and a little bit of dedication. Keep moving forward—you’ve got this! 🌟🧘‍♀️

With gratitude,
The YogaDownload Team ❤️

Here are today's class options:

Fitness 'n' Yoga: Evening Flow with Ben Davis

30 min class

Level:  All Levels| Intensity: Ahhhhhh

Evening Flow is a Hatha-based sequence that is great for unlocking the body and quieting the mind after a long and stressful day. It is the perfect class to get you ready for a restful night's sleep or to destress during the day.

Keep Moving Forward with Christen Bakken

50 min class

Level: Intermediate | Intensity: You'll Feel It

It is easy in this life to want to move up. We want to kick up into handstand. Move up the road to the "nicer" house. Get the upper hand in our business relationships. And increase our bank account balance. There is nothing wrong with having big goals to look toward. However, what comes with the accomplishment of moving up is hard/heart-work everyday to move forward. Using the alignment cues of chatarunga and crow (shift forward), we will build into more playful arm balances. Prepare to get sweaty, breathe hard, and flow a lot as we explore this principle on and off the mat.

*you only need to choose one class

**If you're feeling in the mood for something different you can choose any of our free classes on our site (or any other class you'd like!). The most important thing is to show up and get on your mat!

Share your challenge experience in the comments section below and/or in a post or story on IG or Facebook (be sure to tag @yogadownload) for a chance to win a prize package! Each comment and post/story counts as one entry. 

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Showing 47 Comments
Avatar  jacqueline in atlanta 3 weeks agoReply

Loved the Challenge! I used to yoga and then abandoned my practice. This challenge has me excited and ready to pick it up again!

Avatar  Nathalie 3 weeks agoReply

DAY 14: I completed the challenge with the Fitness and Yoga class with Ben! Thank you so much for the amazing experience and all the wonderful discoveries YDL! 🏵️🙏🏽🧡💐

Avatar  Vicky 3 weeks agoReply

I was able to do the challenge on the last day! I did the yoga flow offered on day 1 with Jackie. I thought I didn’t have much energy after a long day but I was able to succeed! Loved the flow

Avatar  Niki 3 weeks agoReply

Christen's class was a perfect close to the challenge and made it feel more like a beginning than an ending. I loved the theme of moving forward and playing towards an advanced pose.

Avatar  Molly Hicks 3 weeks agoReply

I chose Keith's class last night as a way to wind down both the day and the challenge, and I was not disappointed! What a wonderful way to kick off 2025 and to honor myself and my time by participating in this challenge. Thanks, YDL!

Avatar  Susan 3 weeks agoReply

I did Christen’s class and enjoyed the vinyasa flow despite not making the crow. I will try again next time. I also like the stretches and cool down.

Avatar  Macsek 3 weeks agoReply

The last day of challenge was a very long day for me. Luckily my bf wanted to do some yoga befor going to bed, so we did the evening flow together, which felt really nice. We both almost fall asleep by shivasana, not noticing for minutes, that the video is long over :D. I forgot to comment right afterwards, hope it still counts!

Avatar  Oralee 3 weeks agoReply

Ben's Evening Flow is a nice no-nonsense session. Without the music I found myself focusing much more on the breath during the 30 second holds. Challenge complete, feels good!

Avatar  TJ last monthReply

Wow!! Day 14! We made it!
This evening I chose Ben’s class to wind down. I’ve never taken a class from Ben before and it was absolutely wonderful! I’ve placed it in my favorites to revisit. And I will be checking out other classes he may have.
Thank you for a lovely 2 weeks YD!

Avatar  Sarah last monthReply

I tried yesterday's class with Mariah and appreciated it! I love how this challenge is a great nudge to try a different teacher, I always find a few new favorites. Thanks so much for hosting this YDL, it helped me start my yoga practice up again after a long break and my body is feeling much better for it. grateful!

Avatar  Desyree last monthReply

Ben's class was great to close the day and this challenge. I did not realize how much I needed these stretches today!

Now that the challenge is over I will go back to the classes I did not have a chance to try! Last year, at this time, I finished my first yoga challenge and it was the start of my daily practice. In 2024 I only missed 13 days of yoga and some of these days I was traveling on a plane so there was no way to do yoga! Thanks Yoga Download for helping me to establish a daily practice!

Avatar  HeatherHalfMoon last monthReply

I'm going to do Ben's Fitness n Yoga: Evening Flow-- sounds like just what I need.
Thanks again, YDL, for the challenge. I know I didn't always do the suggested classes, but it was good to have the push of the challenge to get me on the mat daily. I know it helped my knee's range of motion. Now I've got to keep it up without the challenge.
Happy New Year, everyone!

Avatar  Brandie last monthReply

Fitness ‘n’ Yoga today with Ben was ah-mazing

Avatar  nikki last monthReply

BEN’S CLASS WAS PEEEEERFECT! It was my first class with Ben, too! My body has been feeling tense and sore all day, and now I feel like a cloud. I’ll be returning to this class forever.

14/14, we did it! I’ve joined other yogadownload challenges before, but this was my first time practicing every day. I’m immensely grateful to those who shared their time and energy with us. 💜

Over the last two weeks, I’ve noticed physical changes such as increased mobility and some strength. Mentally, I feel more calm and buoyant. What a great start to the year. Thank you again!!!

Avatar  Lisa last monthReply

Evening Flow with Ben would also make a great class any time of day! Although I usually like music in the background, this was nice without also.

Avatar  Robin last monthReply

Yay!!! I can't believe I completed all 14 days. Even tonight, heading home from work, I was thinking how tired I was, how much I didn't want to exercise in any way, shape or form. As has been true every one of the past 14 days: so glad I did it. Downloading Ben's class for future use. Tonight, I went back and did the Yin for Creativity Class I had trouble downloading when it was offered. Thank you YDL. Hope I can hang on to this habit.

Avatar  pammy last monthReply

Wow, thanks YDL for this fun challenge and jump starting this year with a feeling of accomplishment and gratitude 🙏🏼
I love that it culminated on my birthday today 🥳and also offered a lovely evening practice from Ben. The longer holes were so welcome and I always enjoy his classes. Namaste y’all 🕉️

Avatar  Elizabeth last monthReply

Ben's Evening Flow was a perfect way to wind down the day. Congrats to all the yogies that completed the daily challenge over the last couple weeks!
What an amazing way to start the year! Thank you yogadownload - I'm looking forward to the next challenge!

Avatar  Debbie last monthReply

Thanks Keith. Great way to wind down after a busy day.

Avatar  Linda last monthReply

Ben's class was the perfect relaxing ending to the day and the challenge. I must admit keeping up with this one was very challenging but in the end I only missed one day. Hoping to use this challenge to reset my yoga practice and get on my mat more frequently!

Avatar  MPYoga last monthReply

Thank you yogadownload for another fun challenge! I love being introduced to new teachers and new classes from some of my favorite teachers in these challenges.

Avatar  Trice last monthReply

What a great way to end the challange with Ben’s relaxing class tonight. I really enjoyed this challenge and am looking forward to going back and doing the classes not picked the first time.

Thank you YDL for doing these challenges. They always reinvigorate me to do more yoga.

Avatar  Heather R last monthReply

I did Ben’s evening flow for this last challenge day. A good unwind to my day. I may revisit this one later.

Avatar  Jennie last monthReply

I had done Ben's class recently, but wanted something gentler for evening so I chose Mary Baker's Evening Transition to Self. It was a class with great stretches to wind down from the day. I always enjoy discovering new classes during challenges and committing to daily yoga!

Avatar  Rachel last monthReply

Did Bens class today and marked it as a favorite!

Avatar  Jennifer last monthReply

So grateful for @yogadownload and for this community. I struggle so much to make time for me, and these challenges help to hold me accountable. I found my mat every day for this challenge - I am trying to promise myself to continue to hold myself accountable for taking care of myself as well...hope to find my mat for many more days to come. I only had about 30 minutes. I tried Christen Baken's Rain and Rainbow's flow today. Relaxing and uplifting.

Avatar  Baynicole last monthReply

I finished the challenge with Christen's Keep Moving Forward. She is one of my favorite instructors, so I was excited to see a class by her. This was great, and I got very close to finally getting into peak pose. Although, I am not quite there yet. Hopefully soon! Thank you YogaDownload for yet another fabulous challenge and getting me on my mat :)

Avatar  Erin last monthReply

Closed out the challenge with Ben’s class. Thank you YDL!!

Avatar  carolyn last monthReply

I chose Ben's class since I did a hard pilates class last night. It was nice to do a slower paced, non vinyasa class.

Avatar  Pat last monthReply

I did Ben's class and also marked it in my favorites. A great class for winding down in the evening. Thank you for providing challenges. I'm not good about being consistent with my yoga practice so I appreciate the motivation to at least try. I did find that perhaps by choosing classes that aren't so advanced, I might work into a more consistent practice. Here's hoping!

Avatar  EE last monthReply

This was a great challenge to start the year with! Here's to completing 365 total days not just 14!

Avatar  EE last monthReply

Took Ben's Class since I already worked out this morning and. It was perfect!

Avatar  SandyC last monthReply

Happy Wednesday! Yay...I've completed all days 1 through 14 within this challenge. Enjoyed each day coming to my mat and practice. My journey will definitely not end here but continue tomorrow. Throughout this challenge I've learned to listen to my body and mind before practicing on my mat. A huge accomplishment for me as I'm not as limber as I once was 25+ years ago but at 60 I still have it and modify when needed. Today I did Ben's class as I've enjoyed his others. Wonderful way to flow on your mat with breath and poses. Definitely can be used before or after a workout as well as in the morning and evening. Ben thanks again for a wonderful flow. @Yogadownload Thank you so much for putting together this 14 Day Challenge. You are making a difference in peoples lives and I appreciate it very much. Make today a great day! Namaste...

Avatar  linda last monthReply

Wahoo!!! I just completed day 14 of the 14 day challenge. I did the Fitness "n" Yoga: Evening Flow with Ben Davis. This is a great class for winding down. I am keeping this one in my favorites.

Avatar  Mindy last monthReply

I did Christen’s Moving Forward class. Such a good challenge, thank you! It feels good to do a hard class after I’ve been sick for a few days. I did 13/14 days! Woohoo!

Avatar  DBeer last monthReply

Day 14 evening flow with Ben.. very nice relaxing class.. thank you Ben
Vibration and creation 14 day yoga challenge completed
Thank you to all

Avatar  Mimi last monthReply

I love everything Christen even when I can't keep up and have to modify, well, most poses, but hey, it's about getting the most out of it from where I'm at! Hat off to those who made it into the peak pose! And I put Ben on the rotation for later! Om shanti, it's been a great challenge.

Avatar  Melly last monthReply

Just did Christen's class. very challenging! still not able to do the final pose, but maybe will make it a goal this year. thanks again for a great challenge!

Avatar  Nikki last monthReply

I missed a few days of the challenge due to children and life. Celebrating that I made it back for the final day. I chose Ben's class which was just what was needed after days of stress and tight muscles.

Avatar  Kathy last monthReply

I did Christen's class this afternoon. She is one of my favorite instructors. She is challenging, but always inspiring. It was a great class even though I couldn't get to peak pose. Thank you for another great challenge!

Avatar  Smaiellaro last monthReply

I have taken these challenges over the last couple of years and I'm also a member of yoga download.
I love the variety of the different programs, the different instructors and different perspectives of performing yoga in general. Yoga download provides its members with the flexibility of the length of a yoga program for a particular day and all sorts of body parts if you will to focus on... Thank you very much. Yoga download

Avatar  Jo last monthReply

Got an early start today so could do Christen’s class. What a gift to be able to do my practice in silence, no annoying soundtrack in the background! Great class (despite impossible peak pose…)

Avatar  rcowin last monthReply

Day 14! I love Christen's classes. She's probably my favorite instructor on yoga download.

Avatar  Simona_Yoga last monthReply

What a lovely, calm class—simple and stretchy. Thank you so much!

Avatar  Andrea Ward last monthReply

I tried to do most of Kristin class. I will be honest and say I got no where near to getting the peak pose. Good class though and a fun way to end the challenge

Avatar  Lesley last monthReply

What a great way to start the year! I'm so proud that I made a commitment to the two week challenge (along with the 14 day meditation program!), honoured the commitment to both and didn't always take the easy option. I feel stronger, calmer and ready to take on whatever this year throws my way.

Avatar  Hanka last monthReply

Very nice Evening flow, just perfect to stretch and relax!


Start the new year with intention, inspiration, and movement by joining our Vibration & Creation New Year’s Challenge!

This free, 2-week yoga journey is your perfect opportunity to kick off 2025 with a fresh start.

Beginning January 1st, you’ll have access to two yoga class options every day, designed to energize your body, clear your mind, and inspire creativity in your life.

Open to all levels, this challenge is for anyone looking to begin the year with purpose and positivity.

Practicing yoga daily has powerful benefits. It helps build strength and flexibility, reduces stress, and promotes mental clarity—all essential for navigating the new year with confidence and balance.

The theme of “Vibration & Creation” invites you to tune into your inner rhythm, harness positive energy, and create the life you want to lead in 2025. With each class, you’ll reconnect with yourself, set powerful intentions, and start each day feeling grounded and inspired.

And the best part? The challenge is completely free, making it easy for everyone to participate.

Whether you’re brand new to yoga or an experienced practitioner, this is your chance to build a consistent practice and step into the new year with purpose. Plus, you’ll be joining a supportive community of like-minded individuals who are also committed to starting the year on a high note.

Don’t wait—kick off 2025 with movement, mindfulness, and creation. Sign up now and get ready to vibrate higher and create the life you deserve! 🌟


By enrolling in this challenge you agree to the Terms & Conditions. If you do not agree then do not enroll.