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2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow


2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow

DAY 3: 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow

DAY 3: 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow

Welcome to Day 3 of the 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow

Wednesday, April 14th.

Welcome to your mats again. You're a few days into your challenge and we hope you're starting to feel even the first benefits of this endeavor. 

Yoga is a metaphor for other areas of life and can benefit you off of the mat. The philosophy of yoga teaches us that yoga is a practice of working on ourselves internally, and from there, things in our external world will flow with much more harmony. Many approach life with the opposite philosophy - seeking external gratification, with the hope that it will bring internal happiness.

Where would you like to find more flow off of your mat? Feel free to take a moment and set some intentions for yourself for the remainder of the challenge, both on your mat and also some areas off of your mat that you'd like to see progress and satisfaction.

Today you've got the chance to create more freedom within yourself with Claire's class. If you want to give your hips some love, Keith's class will have you feeling good. Or if you want to heal and strengthen your back, Dana's Iyengar class will do just that.

We've loved hearing from you in the comments - it's amazing how this yoga community is truly all over the world. Please continue sharing your experiences and keep up the hard work, yogis!

Here are today's class choices:


Heal Your Back with Iyengar Yoga with Dana Hanizeski

30 min class | Level: Beginner | Intensity: Ahhhhhh

This back care Iyengar Yoga class will use a chair. You can use a yoga-specific chair, or you can use a dining room chair that has a high back. Be sure you can plant your feet firmly on the ground when sitting. This sequence will include stretches and gentle spinal traction techniques and will feel great for a lot of different bodies. It is a sequence that is particularly helpful for folks who have tight legs and back or scoliosis, people whose back gets sore when they bend forward in spinal flexion, and those who have spinal disk compression.


Hip Opening Heaven with Keith Allen

45 min class | Level: Adv. Beginner & Up | Intensity: You'll Feel It

Happy hips equal a happy mind. Often, we can hold emotional clutter in the hips. The body and mind are connected and opening the hips opens up our creative senses, makes us more relaxed overall, and helps us to feel more in balance. Plus, opening the hips in yoga can often feel good.

Enjoy this steady and challenging practice. You'll ease your way into your hips, and have time to breathe, hold challenging postures, build heat, and feel spaciousness and lightness in your body and mind. Expect some chaturangas, longer holds in challenging hip openers, and core engagement throughout. Practice this class to have your hips feeling their best, and you feeling your best as a result.

Spotify playlist for Hip Opening Heaven


Bound To Be Free with Claire Petretti Marti

60 min class | Level: Intermediate | Intensity: You'll Feel It

Often, we have to reach a place of intense pressure before we can finally let go and enjoy a feeling of freedom. In this fun class, you'll flow through a variety of postures designed to challenge your focus, your balance and your ability to bind! Lots of Garudasana (eagle) variations, Bird of Paradise, heart openers like Shalabasana (Locust) and Ustrasana (Camel) and hip openers will leave you feeling refreshed and open. Are you ready to play and feel free?

**you only need to choose one class**

Be sure to share your challenge experiences in the comments section!

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