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Who Do You Want to Be?

Who Do You Want to Be?

 I love spending my time with inspiring women and speakers. Afterwards I spend time reflecting on the wise words I had the opportunity to hear. Time to snuggle in at home and goal plan – and not just business or financial related goals, but about who I want to BE!

I know that my gift in life is to share health with women. But what do I plan to learn from the process and who will I become is the question to myself. I am always amazed and inspired by the wonderful people I encounter and eager to see what lessons I learn from the inspiration.

I have 4 goals that I have set for embarking on this journey to get to know me and share my gifts with others.

Meditate every day – to FREE my mind of obstacles and negative thoughts. I want to see past what is holding me back from achieving goals and feeling love and happiness at all times. I honestly believe that it is possible to only have good days. Wise words for best selling author and entrepreneur Jen Groover, “I only have good days.” She said she shared this with her daughter and that after quite some time of saying that she only has good days, she honestly has only good days. Yes, things are not always perfect, but so much unhappiness and anger are actually perceptions. I know that with meditation, even if only 5 minutes per day allows my mind to let go and I will be able to have positive perceptions.

 Move. There are so many benefits from this. It helps me take care of the body that houses my spirit. It gets my blood circulating. Muscle is 12 times more effective at burning calories. It makes me feel good inside and out. It gets endorphins going that provide me with energy. It helps move out negative feelings that might be lingering. It sets a good example for my kids.

Be COURAGEOUS – This will make me step out of my comfort zone and follow through on the things I really want to do to help inspire women take steps to improve their health. Recently I made some massive life changes, leaving behind my full time corporate job of 14 years to pursue my true passion. Now I have the time to share my gifts with other women. I hope to educate and inspire every woman who I reach, in person or online, to love themselves fully and show it with courage by taking actions that might be scary for them. That might be learning to prepare a new meal or reaching out to a friend to start a walking group, or to reflect on their own thoughts and feelings with meditation or journaling.

Plan AND Execute. – YES, a plan is only as good as the execution. It is easy to make excuses for not doing what I had intended to do. I will be able to know when I will be active, when I will meditate, when I will plan my meals so that I choose foods that nourish my body, when I will work on my business, and when I will make time for ME. I am a bit of a procrastinator, but I committed to planning and then executing. I will do at least one thing on my to do list each day.

Use the comments box below to tell me how you find yourself? Who you think you want to be? Or simply tell me if you are ready to just start the journey.

By Jessica Wyman

Jessica Wyman is a Hippie in High Heels. Her passion is in the kitchen! She runs online nutrition programs where she teaches women how to eat right for real health. Her popular online nutrition programs help you stop the calorie counting and enjoy a multitude of easy, satisfying and healthy meals. As a multi-passionate business woman serving as a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master, Author and Heart Centered Entrepreneur. She works with women to improve their health and businesses by giving real advice for real women in the real world.

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