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90 min class (1:30:00)
$ 6.99
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Riding the Waves

Jeanie Manchester

Every single one of us have had times in our lives where we've dealt with the highs and lows of being human, and the wide range of emotions that come along with it: grief, pain, joy, ecstasy. This class is called Riding the Waves and offers a practice designed to help you find the strength and serenity for life's peaks and valleys. Jeanie discusses the concept of holding on to the bigger picture through difficult times, even the loss of a loved one, and understanding the pulsation of life through our yoga practice. We must all learn to "ride the wave" inside - the one that was never born and will never die, and hold on to that perspective during challenging times.

The class incorporates arm balances designed to help you cultivate strength and courage, but reminds you to maintain a softness and let go of unnecessary tension and our tendency to grip onto concepts. As Jeanie puts it, embrace life and fully dance, but then when it's time, let go into a sweet surrender.

With this class you are invited into an intimate setting to experience a powerful class from a genuine and amazing soul. Enjoy. : )

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