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2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow


2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow

DAY 6: 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow

DAY 6: 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow

Welcome to Day 6 of the 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow

Saturday, April 17th.

Welcome back to your mat, yogis. What are some things, besides yoga, that keep you in the flow? Identifying these activities is important because one way to be in a flow state more frequently is doing things that put you there as often as possible. It can be cooking, cleaning, making art, talking with friends, riding your bike, or much more. Whatever it is, prioritize those activities and notice if they uplift your entire being. The beauty of yoga is that it can make you more present in those other passions in your life. This weekend, treat yourselves to one of those activities if you have the time. 

Today you have the option for a longer practice with Jack. If you want some informative technique and time to hold postures, Desiree's teaching is precise and insightful. Or if you'd like to tackle some harder postures, enjoy exploring the Handstand with Kyle. 

Here are today's class choices:


Strengthen, Protect, & Heal the Upper Body with Desiree Rumbaugh

40 min class | Level: All Levels | Intensity: You'll Feel It

Regardless of whether you feel you are stiff or flexible in the upper body, the truth is, you need to be stronger. Try this class and balance the strength you have developed in your wrists, neck, chest, shoulders and arms. These are some of the best bodyweight exercises and yoga poses that you can use to stay strong and safe in your practice and in your life.


Arm Balancing Workshop 6 - Handstand with Kyle Weiger

30 min class | Level: Intermediate | Intensity: You'll Feel It

This is it - the infamous handstand! It's Kyle's final installment in the Arm Balancing Workshop series and you'll love the progressions from getting a little hang-time to a lot as you have fun seeing the world from another perspective.


Align & Flow: Mind in One Place with Jack Cuneo

80 min class | Level: Adv. Intermediate | Intensity: You'll Feel It

It's not uncommon for human beings in the modern world to find themselves with their bodies stuck in one place - often behind a computer screen or the wheel of a car - and their minds in many places - unable to focus on what really matters.

This class is a technically accessible and physically challenging reminder that both achievement and peace can often be found by allowing our bodies to move in many ways while keeping the mind in one place. Expect detailed and subtle alignment instruction, challenging flows and balancing sequences, arm balancing, twisting, and backbends culminating in Wild Thing and Urdhva Dhanurasana.

**you only need to choose one class**

Be sure to share your challenge experiences in the comments section!

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