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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


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Strengthen & Tone Your Core: The Foundation of Yoga Practice
Strengthen & Tone Your Core: The Foundation of Yoga Practice
A strong core is more than just toned abs; it's the powerhouse of your entire body, providing stability, balance, and strength in every movement you make. In yoga, the core is the epicenter of many poses and transitions, acting as the key to unlocking advanced postures and maintaining proper alignment. According to B.K.S. Iyengar, the core muscles are essential for achieving steadiness and ease in practice. Without a strong core, one cannot fully harness the benefits of yoga, as it plays a pivotal role in supporting the spine and facilitating breath control, or pranayama.

7 Essential Yoga Poses for a Strong Core
7 Essential Yoga Poses for a Strong Core
In order to build a strong core, you need to work a variety of muscles, all the way from your hips to shoulders. The core does not just refer to your abs. It refers to the different muscles that run the length of your torso. There are great yoga techniques that can be done in order to build your core muscles. Not only do they help to make you more fit. They also increase your will power, stamina, and overall quality of life. Here are 7 Essential Yoga Postures for a Strong Core: