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Decompress from the Holidays

Decompress from the Holidays

Happy Holidays from!

We hope you’re enjoying the last days of 2017, and are filled with positive energy and peaceful light. Sometimes, however, the holidays can feel more stressful than joyful. On one end of the spectrum, you can take the celebrations too far and overindulge with cookies and pie, wine and cocktails, and too many family obligations. On the flip side, the holidays could stir up mixed emotions and even sadness.

Whether you love the holidays or hate them, we’re here to help you navigate the last week of the year with four new classes designed to make you sweat, smile, and shed lingering stress. Sometimes you simply need to take some time for yourself to maintain your equilibrium. A vigorous asana practice can snap you right out of your thoughts and launch you into a place where you’re tuned into your physical body. By stepping out of your comfort zone and challenging yourself physically, you can quiet your mind and refill your emotional well.

This week, we’ve got four new classes focused on helping you blow off some steam and stoke your metabolism.

If you’re ready to tap into your inner wild side, try Jill Pedroza’s Wild Thing Flow. Have fun, laugh, and sweat out lingering stress.

You won’t have time to feel bad about overindulging with Shannon Paige’s Apex Fusion Standing Balances: Binds, Balances and Backbends - Oh My! The binds, balancing postures, and backbends will rev up your metabolism and stoke your inner fire.

If you’ve spent too much time lounging on the couch eating holiday treats, you’ll love this great new invigorating practice with Jackie Casal Mahrou’s Get Your Yoga On. Remember that a challenging physical yoga class will also help you feel lighter emotionally and mentally as well.

Mark Morford’s latest offering: Absolution Flow: A Call to Arms will completely engage you from start to finish. Trust us, you’ll release any stuck or stagnant energy not only in your physical body, but in your emotional, and mental bodies too.

So, step away from whatever you’re doing and take the time to decompress from the holiday season. Strengthen your muscles, enhance flexibility and endurance, challenge your balance, and sweat. This week's four intermediate and advanced classes are our holiday gift for you. You deserve it!

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