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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

Nandhiji Yogi
Nandhiji Yogi
Nandhiji Yogi's Blog

10 Esoteric Tips, Benefits, & Secrets of Yoga
10 Esoteric Tips, Benefits, & Secrets of Yoga
The graceful gifts of yoga include the attainment of higher consciousness, health, abundance, love, and harmony. Yoga naturally yields all attributes of yogam - which means in Tamil- good luck. Yoga, in the Western sense, spearheads this awakening, even if it is considered a simple exercise for health benefits and fashion, instead of a spiritual discipline; the taste of a drop of honey will eventually lead to the honey pot of higher consciousness. The body is an effective tool to lead the mind towards the inner core of realization. By yoga, we refer to various styles of “Hatha” yoga as practiced in the West – the sequences of physical postures and the inner journey created through this practice. If you're newer to yoga, we recommend utilizing simple practices like traditional Sun Salutation sequences to experience the teachings below. Ideally, the Sun Salutation by itself is sufficient to attain core consciousness, which is the objective of our yogic practice.