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Guidelines for a Balanced Life: Building blocks

Les Leventhal

Inversions: Handstand, forearm balance and tri-pod headstand. We get so familiar in looking at things through one lens. Give yourself permission to grow the muscles of courage and trust - key ingredients to navigating fear in our lives. Go upside down. I wish I could tell you that these 3 poses would eliminate fear in your life. I cannot. What I can do is make you a promise: Practice this video with or without any of the variations I offer, at least once a week, and you will learn to navigate fear in your life off the mat. The power that you will feed your body from these poses will create strength and vitality in your soul that will carry you through all of life's experiences. I would not say that if it was not my experience. These poses are like the 9th step promises from recovery for me. They deliver every time. Trust and Courage, will always materialize if we work for them. Have a blast. This video is meant to be super fun.

My Notes