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$ 30.00
$ 30.00

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Everyday Yamas

This Everyday Yamas series offers five well-rounded vinyasa practices with a deeper focus on yogic philosophy in an accessible and practical way. What are Yamas? They are considered five moral guidelines to live by and an ethical compass that encourage us to examine our patterns, habits, and how we treat ourselves and others. These ideas are at the core of yoga philosophy and the roots of modern yoga, written thousands of years ago by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. Incredibly, the principles of Ahimsa (non-harming), Satya (truthfulness), Aparigraha (non-hoarding), Asteya (non-stealing), and Brahmacharya (non-excess), are valuable and relevant in today’s world. The aim of understanding the Yamas in this series, is integrating these principles in your day to day life. Join Kristin Gibowicz for a series that addresses everyday application of the Yamas.

The Yamas are not designed to be viewed as concrete rules because none of us are perfect; consider them fluid guidelines to incorporate into your life, in easy ways. This program is a chance to practice powerful physical classes with the intention of bringing the peace of yoga off of our mats and into our everyday world. Use this valuable class package to examine yourself and learn how to find your best self.

  • Adv. beginner through advanced students
  • Anyone who wants to bring the benefits of yoga off the mat into their everyday life
  • Anyone who enjoys physical yoga practices that are complemented by yoga philosophy
  • Anyone who wants to learn more about yoga philosophy

  • Simple, easy to understand yoga philosophy
  • Strong vinyasa flow yoga classes, infused with yoga philosophy
  • An understanding of how ancient yogic principles, can help us live happier lives in the modern world now


Full Program
Everyday Yamas Package
$ 30.00
$ 30.00
Program Items
Ahimsa Practicing every day ahimsa is non-harming behavior towards self and all beings everywhere in thought, word or deed.
Satya This is a full-body, intermediate flow with much attention on opening shoulders and hips to move into birds of paradise as the peak standing posture.
Asteya This practice focuses on shoulders, legs, upper back and hips building to forearm stand. Even if full expression is not for you, learn the building blocks to make you successful in your expression today.
Brahmacharya This is a short, wonderful, full-body flow that uses different muscles groups and moves continuously, to makes you feel like you flowed for an entire hour.
Aparigraha A fun class full of flow and opportunities to un-tether from what's holding you back from the fullness life has for you.