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What are the Chakras? And...Why Should I be Interested?

What are the Chakras? And...Why Should I be Interested?

Chakra means wheel and symbolizes the swirling energy located in each of these centers. 

Each chakra has an associated location, color, and quality. 

Here you will learn the basics on how we can use asanas (postures), meditation, pranayama (breathing), mudras (gestures), chants, and affirmations to help balance the first three chakras.

Working with our subtle energy can have profound impacts on the health of our mind and body. It can help us recognize and find freedom from unhealthy belief patterns and habits as well as provide us with more energy and awareness in how we think and act. 

And honestly this is just scratching the surface! Give it a try and see what is revealed to you.


1. Muladhara Chakra/ Root Chakra

Muladhara means base of support. This is our center for security, stability, and connection to the earth. When out of balance we can feel insecure and out of touch with life. 

Location - Base of the pelvis and spine

Meditation - Sit or lie comfortably; visualize a swirling ball of red energy glowing stronger and brighter as you breath. Evoke feelings of stability, groundedness, security and connection to the earth. If you like imagery, you can also imagine you are growing roots down into the ground.

Chant - Lam (like the ‘a’ sound in llama). Take time to pronounce all three letters fully and repeat at a comfortable pace for a minimum of 2 minutes. Feel the vibration resonate down into the base of your pelvis.

Chinmaya Mudra (Embodiment of Knowledge)

This gesture directs breath, awareness, and energy to the base of the body allowing us to slow down our exhales and feel more fully embodied and stable. 

  1. Make a fist with the thumbs on the outside.
  2. Join the tip of the index finger to the tip of the thumb.
  3. Place the hands face down on your knees or thighs.

Affirmation - Kindly repeat to yourself “I am grounded, stable, and connected”.


Tadasana - Mountain 

Utkata Konasana - Goddess

2. Svadisthana Chakra/ Sacral Chakra

Svadisthana means one's own dwelling place. This is our center for creativity, embodiment, pleasure and ease. When out of balance we have difficulty going with the flow, our creativity is diminished, and we will likely have repressed deep seated emotions.

Location - Hips, sacrum, and sexual organs below navel

Meditation - Sit or lie comfortably; visualize a swirling ball of orange energy glowing stronger and brighter as you breath. Evoke feelings of creativity, sensuality, wonder, openness, and ease. Welcome pleasure, passion, and the ability to go with the flow.

Chant - Vam; take time to pronounce all three letters fully and repeat at a comfortable pace for a minimum of 2 minutes. Feel the vibration resonate into your low belly and sacrum. 

Svadisthana Mudra (Inner Dwelling Place)

Energy & nourishment from the universe flows in the left hand and is directed into the right hand. Receive a warm flow of nourishment and a feeling of deep satisfaction and contentment.

  1. Slightly cup both hands
  2. Place right hand against belly just below navel, place left cupped hand facing up and out to the left parallel to the floor. 

Affirmation - Kindly repeat to yourself “I am a creative and passionate being and I welcome pleasure into my life”.


Jathara Parivartanasana - Revolved Abdomen

Salamba Baddha Konasana - Supported Bound Angle

3. Manipura Chakra/Solar Plexus Chakra

Manipura means city of jewels and is considered to be our power center and the seat of our digestive fire. This is also where we develop a healthy relationship to ourself and others. When out of balance we may distrust ourself and others and develop an unhealthy ego. When balanced we are able to remain calm even in times of distress and display a healthy amount of self-esteem and self-respect.

Location - Solar plexus between navel and rib cage

Meditation - Sit or lie comfortably; visualize a swirling ball of golden yellow energy glowing stronger and brighter as you breath. Evoke feelings of will power, trust, healthy relationships with people and the world, self esteem, and self respect. 

Chant - Ram; take time to pronounce all three letters fully and repeat at a comfortable pace for a minimum of 2 minutes. Feel the vibration resonate in the space between the navel and rib cage. 

Vajra Mudra (Diamond)

This gesture directs breath, energy, and awareness to solar plexus and enhances feelings of empowerment, determination, and vitality.

  1. Bring the index fingers to touch the thumbs, then touch both hands together
  2. Extend the middle fingers and join them together
  3. Curl the ring and pinky fingers toward the palm
  4. Hold the mudra at the solar plexus with the middle finger pointing away from your body

Affirmation - Kindly repeat to yourself, “I am courageous and confident standing in my power”.


Ardha Matseyendrasana - Half Lord of the Fishes 

Phalakasana - Plank


By Jennifer Meek

Jennifer Meek is a Certified Yoga Teacher (RYT 500) specializing in Yoga Therapy for common conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and back pain. Utilizing her 25 years of movement experience as a dancer in combination with the tools of yoga and mindfulness she teaches people how to tap into their innate potential for health and happiness. Read More from Jennifer at

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