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WINNERS ANNOUNCED! 2-Week Vibration & Creation New Years Challenge

This challenge has ended - a BIG congrats to all those who participated! Be very proud, and be sure to soak and bask in the benefits for all your hard work and effort (doesn't it feel GREAT?!)!! And most importantly, continue with your momentum. Do your best to keep up with your consistent practice...even 20 mins can change your entire day!

And without further ado, here are the winners of our amazing prize packages:

Grand Prize Winner: Pamela D. - Port Angeles, WA.

Runner Up Winner 1: Linda B. - San Diego, CA..

Runner Up Winner 2: Rachel R.Lancaster, PA.

Runner Up Winner 3: Nikki K.southern CA.

CONGRATULATIONS!! You can view the prize packages below.

We only work with brands we love and who embody our same yogic values! Please do what you can to help support our generous prize partners.

The FOUR lucky challenge prize winners will receive the following prize packages*:


  1. Well Life - $100 digital gift card
  2. Yoga Democracy - $100 digital gift card
  3. Pirani Life - $100 digital gift card
  4. Mache - $100 digital gift card
  5. 1-Year Unlimited Membership - to YogaDownload - $120 value


  1. Well Life - $50 digital gift card
  2. Yoga Democracy - $50 digital gift card
  3. Pirani Life - $50 digital gift card
  4. Mache - $50 digital gift card
  5. 6-Month Unlimited Membership - to YogaDownload - $70 value


Well Life
Well Life was brought into this world with the mission of creating products that reduce the amount of chemicals we use for ourselves and our pets, thereby putting less strain on the environment around us. We promise to continually work on this and to find packaging that does the same.

Yoga Democracy
Yoga Democracy was born from a deep-seated vision to forge a new standard in athletic wear—a standard that unites people, nurtures the planet, and embodies the essence of the yoga lifestyle. This is more than just apparel; this is a proclamation of your dedication to a life imbued with purpose.

Pirani Life
Pirani's mission is to empower everyday heroes in safeguarding our planet through raising eco-awareness and creating high quality sustainable solutions to single-use products.

Mache designs beautiful yoga and fitness storage and self care tools that support your practice while honoring the planet. All of our yoga storage products are handmade in the United States in small batches, and processed clean. Team Mache lives and breathes Sustainability, Wellness, and Design.

*To enter: comment about your class each day on this challenge page and/or post on FB/IG and tag @yogadownload 


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2-Week Vibration & Creation New Year's Challenge


2-Week Vibration & Creation New Year's Challenge

Day 13 - 2-Week Vibration & Creation New Years Challenge

Day 13 - 2-Week Vibration & Creation New Years Challenge

Welcome to Day 13 of our 2-Week Vibration & Creation New Year's Challenge!

Monday, January 13th

You’ve made it to Day 13 of the Vibration & Creation New Year’s Challenge—what an incredible journey it’s been so far! With just one day to go, today’s classes offer a powerful choice: to ground yourself with stability or spark your inner fire to energize and inspire. Both paths are meaningful—what does your body and mind need most today?

Here are your options: "Yoga for Every Body: Grounding Sequence" with Mariah: A 35-minute all-levels practice focused on creating steadiness, calm, and connection to the earth beneath you, or "Element Yoga: Fire" with Denelle: A 40-minute intermediate class designed to activate your fiery energy, building strength and momentum.

Wherever your practice takes you today, let it remind you of how far you’ve come and the power you’ve cultivated through showing up for yourself. You’re almost at the finish line—keep going strong! 🌟🧘‍♀️

Here are today's class options:

Yoga for Every Body: Grounding Sequence with Mariah Betts

35 min class

Level:  All Levels | Intensity: Everyday Namaste

We live in transitional times. With so much change and instability in the world, this 35 minute sequence focuses on our feet, legs and hips to ground us in our bodies and the present moment. Through breath and a good stretch we are left feeling blissed and content.

Element Yoga: Fire with Denelle Numis

40 min class

Level: Intermediate | Intensity: You'll Feel It

Move powerfully through an intelligently sequenced vinyasa yoga practice inspired by the Fire element. Begin with a short pranayama to stoke the fire in your belly. Progress through a series of namaskars to build heat in the body. Finish strong balancing on your hands in Side Crow, or Parsva Bakasana. Get fired up with the power and strength you have within!

*you only need to choose one class

**If you're feeling in the mood for something different you can choose any of our free classes on our site (or any other class you'd like!). The most important thing is to show up and get on your mat!

Share your challenge experience in the comments section below and/or in a post or story on IG or Facebook (be sure to tag @yogadownload) for a chance to win a prize package! Each comment and post/story counts as one entry. 

Comments are closed.
Showing 45 Comments
Avatar  Nikki 3 weeks ago

I am going back to do the days I missed due to children and life getting in the way. I hope to complete the 14 day challenge even if it is not "perfect" I did Mariah's class today and loved the incorporation of blocks and unique stretches and poses she uses thoughtout to help with grounding. This was great and if time permitted would have really helped on Monday

Avatar  Jamillah 3 weeks ago

Element Yoga: Fire was a great class that provided sufficient challenge with flows and plenty of balancing poses. My body feels accomplished!
Thank you :)

Avatar  Nathalie last month

DAY 13: Yesterday (Monday) was a very tough day. My child got sick with the flu and I had to take him to the doctor for a check up. Completely forgot to take part to the challenge as a result. While my child was watching ing cartoons on TV today in the afternoon (Tuesday), I did the grounding yoga flow with Mariah. It was very sweet and gentle. Later tonight, when my kid is asleep, I will make the last class of the challenge. Namaste 🌺🙏🏽🧡🏵️💐

Avatar  Molly Hicks last month

I went with the grounding sequence with Mariah to try a new teacher and new class. It was gentle and a lovely way to end my Monday!

Avatar  Oralee last month

Just showing up is a success HealtherHalfMoon! Keep it going and you'll be doing those physical things soon enough!

Avatar  Oralee last month

I did my regular 2 hours of yoga in town on Mondays today. The biggest difference I've noticed after so many consecutive days of yoga is the lack of extremes - my legs aren't creaky and cranky in the morning, my stomach doesn't feel like it is tearing in half during upward dog, and my calves aren't screaming during my first down dog of the day. I'm hoping this daily practice turns into a habit!

Avatar  HeatherHalfMoon last month

I'm doing another "post-surgery knee friendly" class tonight, as I am having an exhausted, physically challenging day today. I'm gonna' do it, even though I just want to collapse. I know I'll feel better after I do. And I know that the yoga has helped my range of motion-- even though when I'm doing the yoga I'm feeling badly because there are so many things I physically can't do right now. I'm going to keep trying.

Avatar  Desyree last month

Mariah's class was great! I found another great teacher :) I didnt know I needed hip openers today but it feels so good!

Avatar  Lisa last month

Yoga for Every Body: Grounding Sequence with Mariah Betts was great to stretch out my lower body after running a little too hard yesterday! Definitely needed to stretch a few things and this flow did just the job!

Avatar  Elizabeth last month

Opted for Mariah's grounding practice and really enjoyed the downward dog with wider stance. Great peaceful flow. Namaste.

Avatar  nikki last month

I tried the grounding flow today but admittedly, I was struggling with it. I was having trouble hearing and following instruction and getting into a flow state. I’m glad I tried, though!

Avatar  TJ last month

Grounding is everything I needed today. My heart is so heavy for my neighbors in Los Angeles. Sending much love and light from the California Central Coast.

Avatar  Robin last month

Came home tired and irritable, not ready to try something new. Went back to Jackie's Decompression class from last week. WONDERFUL. Feel better already.

Avatar  Linda last month

Chose Mariah's class today and it was very different. I must admit I had a little trouble following it and the audio was kind of hard for me to hear but I did like the poses. I feel very stretched and it was fun to do a class that was so different from my usual.

Avatar  Heather R last month

Grounding class was interestingly, not bad. Pandemic era.

Avatar  Jennifer last month

In all honesty - today was long. My anxiety has been high all day, and I needed some grace. I did not want to skip my time on my mat today, so I chose to do Jackie's Good Morning Flow 1. That series is like an old friend. Her reminders to be present were helpful today.

Avatar  Kathy last month

I did Mariah's class tonight and enjoyed the poses. I did have to look up at the screen a lot because I was confused on what I was supposed to be doing and what pose I was in. I really enjoyed the legs up the wall with the block underneath. That always feels great!

Avatar  pammy last month

I wanted to tap into tonight’s full moon energy and found Gemma’s Moon in Cancer. Lit some candles and enjoyed a nice, grounding flow that was perfect after a busy day at tue clinic.
Back when I was teaching classes more frequently, I loved teaching a lunar flow during full moons💛

Avatar  Erin last month

Element Yoga:Fire is a perfect way to warm up on a cold day!

Avatar  Mindy last month

I did Mariah’s class and I had to look at the screen so often because I was confused at what was going on. I’ve been a member of YDL for years now, so that was surprising because I kept getting lost. Because she was mirroring the class, her modeling was hard to follow if I was confused with her audible cues. It probably reflects how chaotic I feel inside. The sequencing and choice of poses were great, however. I was just a bit lost, therefore frustrated, for half of class.

Avatar  Rachel last month

Did Keith's shoulder, neck, and upper back class today.13/13 days!

Avatar  Brandie last month

The grounding class today was good for me because I had a hard time motivating myself to even get started.

Avatar  Trice last month

Woke up very tired today so I chose Mariah’s class due to time. It was perfect when you are not feeling 100%. I did enjoy it and felt mellow afterwards.

Avatar  Pat last month

I chose Mariah's class today. It was a little different but I enjoyed the stretch and grounding.

Avatar  Pat last month

I chose Mariah's class today. It was a little different but I enjoyed the stretch and grounding.

Avatar  Baynicole last month

I was tired today because I had to get up earlier than usual. Therefore, I wanted an Everyday Namaste and not a You;ll Feel it. Mariah's Grounding Sequence was my choice today. It was a bit different and not really my favorite. A couple of times I had to check the screen. I also didn't have blocks with me, so that was a bummer too.

Avatar  linda last month

day 13 of the 14 day challenge. Wahoo! almost there. I completed the Yoga for Every Body: Grounding Sequence with Mariah Betts. I enjoyed the class. The level of difficulty and grounding was perfect as I am not feeling well. But I was able to complete this class. So, if you are not feeling 100% and still want to do your yoga practice, this is a great choice. However, I was thrown off a bit when she would say to move your left arm but she was actually moving her right. This happened frequently throughout the practice. Not sure if it was me or not. But other then that, a great class.

Avatar  SandyC last month

Happy Monday! Day 13 of 13...My mind and body said to practice balancing and stretch. So I chose Mariah's Grounding Sequence. You will need 2 blocks. It was great and definitely enjoyed this practice on my mat today. Definitely allowed me to go a little deeper with my stretch and balance. Flow is perfect so you can breath during the poses and relax. Also during Warrior 2, I've used her queue of having palms up which really brought down my shoulders from my neck which resulted in a deeper stretch. Going forward during my practice of Warrior 2 I will do this. Definitely added this to my favorites to practice again. Also, I added today's other option to practice after this challenge. Definitely added this to my favorites to practice again. Namaste...

Avatar  Susan last month

My first time taking Denelle’s class and it was quite challenging but feels energized afterwards. I still can’t do the side crow but will try again and again in my future practice. I will try the other Elements yoga as well. Thank you!

Avatar  Niki last month

I chose Denelle's class today. I was feeling kind of sluggish and reluctant to exercise, but i feel much better afterwards. The class was not too challenging but included options to uplevel with handstands and crow variations.

Avatar  Christina Wandry last month

Element Yoga - Fire was FIRE! 🔥 Loved it. I'm feeling stretched and worked and energized.

Avatar  Melly last month

Denelle's class is definitely fire!

Avatar  Pamela last month

Day 13. Did grounding sequence. Little tricky transitions but overall good. One more day in challlenge! Only missed one day! (I think) was traveling and with family.

Avatar  MPYoga last month

Today, I did Mariah's class. I enjoyed the use of the blocks. It was a really nice class.

Avatar  EE last month

Took Denelle's class today and it was fun!

Avatar  Andrea Ward last month

I completed Mariah’s class this morning and loved it. She put together some innovative sequences which helped to ground me for a difficult day.

Avatar  Mimi last month

I did Mariah's class... Great grounding and good stretching. I really appreciate and enjoy trying new teachers. Great yoga challenge! Om shanti

Avatar  DBeer last month

Day 13 thank you Mariah Betts for a great practice. Loved it

Avatar  Jo last month

My first Mariah Betts practice! Hope that others have better acoustics.

Avatar  Debbie last month

Thanks Mariah. Different kind of practice. I loved it. Added it to my favorites.

Avatar  Jennie last month

I did Mariah's grounding class. I liked how we primarily worked the long edge of the mat and used blocks in most poses. I even added them into additional poses. Very nice stretches to start the day.

Avatar  rcowin last month

I tried Denelle's class today. It was enjoyable and challenging. I was excited to see my Crow pose and even Side Crow coming back to me after a long time away from my mat. One word of warning, while she provides cues for alternative wrist stretches, this class - especially the first half - is pretty tough on the wrists so if you have sensitive wrists proceed with caution. It was almost too much for me.

Avatar  Macsek last month

Fiery session for today. I could not skip the breath excersise after all, it comes after me :D Thank you! 🙏

Avatar  Vicky last month

Just completed yoga for everybody ground sequence. I thought it did a great job of making you feel grounded with the earth. If I had blocks it would have been even more superb. Blocks are a definite for this class.

Avatar  Hanka last month

What a challenge, really got fired, thanks 🙏🏻


Start the new year with intention, inspiration, and movement by joining our Vibration & Creation New Year’s Challenge!

This free, 2-week yoga journey is your perfect opportunity to kick off 2025 with a fresh start.

Beginning January 1st, you’ll have access to two yoga class options every day, designed to energize your body, clear your mind, and inspire creativity in your life.

Open to all levels, this challenge is for anyone looking to begin the year with purpose and positivity.

Practicing yoga daily has powerful benefits. It helps build strength and flexibility, reduces stress, and promotes mental clarity—all essential for navigating the new year with confidence and balance.

The theme of “Vibration & Creation” invites you to tune into your inner rhythm, harness positive energy, and create the life you want to lead in 2025. With each class, you’ll reconnect with yourself, set powerful intentions, and start each day feeling grounded and inspired.

And the best part? The challenge is completely free, making it easy for everyone to participate.

Whether you’re brand new to yoga or an experienced practitioner, this is your chance to build a consistent practice and step into the new year with purpose. Plus, you’ll be joining a supportive community of like-minded individuals who are also committed to starting the year on a high note.

Don’t wait—kick off 2025 with movement, mindfulness, and creation. Sign up now and get ready to vibrate higher and create the life you deserve! 🌟


By enrolling in this challenge you agree to the Terms & Conditions. If you do not agree then do not enroll.