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WINNERS ANNOUNCED! 2-Week Vibration & Creation New Years Challenge

This challenge has ended - a BIG congrats to all those who participated! Be very proud, and be sure to soak and bask in the benefits for all your hard work and effort (doesn't it feel GREAT?!)!! And most importantly, continue with your momentum. Do your best to keep up with your consistent practice...even 20 mins can change your entire day!

And without further ado, here are the winners of our amazing prize packages:

Grand Prize Winner: Pamela D. - Port Angeles, WA.

Runner Up Winner 1: Linda B. - San Diego, CA..

Runner Up Winner 2: Rachel R.Lancaster, PA.

Runner Up Winner 3: Nikki K.southern CA.

CONGRATULATIONS!! You can view the prize packages below.

We only work with brands we love and who embody our same yogic values! Please do what you can to help support our generous prize partners.

The FOUR lucky challenge prize winners will receive the following prize packages*:


  1. Well Life - $100 digital gift card
  2. Yoga Democracy - $100 digital gift card
  3. Pirani Life - $100 digital gift card
  4. Mache - $100 digital gift card
  5. 1-Year Unlimited Membership - to YogaDownload - $120 value


  1. Well Life - $50 digital gift card
  2. Yoga Democracy - $50 digital gift card
  3. Pirani Life - $50 digital gift card
  4. Mache - $50 digital gift card
  5. 6-Month Unlimited Membership - to YogaDownload - $70 value


Well Life
Well Life was brought into this world with the mission of creating products that reduce the amount of chemicals we use for ourselves and our pets, thereby putting less strain on the environment around us. We promise to continually work on this and to find packaging that does the same.

Yoga Democracy
Yoga Democracy was born from a deep-seated vision to forge a new standard in athletic wear—a standard that unites people, nurtures the planet, and embodies the essence of the yoga lifestyle. This is more than just apparel; this is a proclamation of your dedication to a life imbued with purpose.

Pirani Life
Pirani's mission is to empower everyday heroes in safeguarding our planet through raising eco-awareness and creating high quality sustainable solutions to single-use products.

Mache designs beautiful yoga and fitness storage and self care tools that support your practice while honoring the planet. All of our yoga storage products are handmade in the United States in small batches, and processed clean. Team Mache lives and breathes Sustainability, Wellness, and Design.

*To enter: comment about your class each day on this challenge page and/or post on FB/IG and tag @yogadownload 


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2-Week Vibration & Creation New Year's Challenge


2-Week Vibration & Creation New Year's Challenge

Day 12 - 2-Week Vibration & Creation New Years Challenge

Day 12 - 2-Week Vibration & Creation New Years Challenge

Welcome to Day 12 of our 2-Week Vibration & Creation New Year's Challenge!

Sunday, January 12th

Today is all about renewal—stoking the inner fire that fuels your energy, focus, and vitality while taking time to reset and restore. Just as fire clears the way for new growth, your practice today is an opportunity to burn away stress and create space for renewal.

Here are your class options: "Belly Fire - Yogic Practices for Good Digestion" with Katie: A 30-minute all-levels class that activates your core, supports digestion, and boosts your inner energy, or "Reset & Rejuvenate Flow" with Claire: A 50-minute intermediate class designed to clear your mind and renew your body through fluid, intentional movement.

Let today’s practice ignite the strength and clarity within you while also giving you the space to reset. You’re nearing the finish line of this challenge, and your dedication is inspiring. Keep that fire burning strong—you’re almost there! 🔥🌟

Here are today's class options:

Belly Fire - Yogic Practices for Good Digestion with Katie Silcox

30 min class

Level:  All Levels | Intensity: Ahhhhhh

Special practices involving breath, visualization, kriya and bhanda that help build the fire of both physical as well as mental/emotional digestion. Use this class to build digestive fire, cleanse and tone the belly-organs and connect you to the subtle transformative fire of the navel.

Reset & Rejuvenate Flow with Claire Petretti Marti

50 min class

Level: Intermediate | Intensity: You'll Feel It

If you are feeling stuck or weighed down physically, emotionally or mentally, this class is for you. This invigorating, rejuvenating flow acts as a reset button to clear out the internal debris and leave you feeling lighter, stronger and more joyful. From Vasisthasana (side plank) to Navasana (boat) to Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana (Extended hand to big toe pose), you’ll enjoy a new sense of freedom inside and out.

*you only need to choose one class

**If you're feeling in the mood for something different you can choose any of our free classes on our site (or any other class you'd like!). The most important thing is to show up and get on your mat!

Share your challenge experience in the comments section below and/or in a post or story on IG or Facebook (be sure to tag @yogadownload) for a chance to win a prize package! Each comment and post/story counts as one entry. 

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Showing 45 Comments
Avatar  Nikki 3 weeks ago

I came back to.try Katie's class because I was curious when I saw it Sunday. Very unusual class, very different than what I am used to in my yoga practice. This was a challenge for me today, but I might try again. It is definitely worth checking out

Avatar  Jamillah last month

The Belly Fire class was a nice diversion from my usual yoga practices. I did it before bed and it was very calming to my entire body.
Thank you!

Avatar  Nathalie last month

DAY 12: On Sunday night, I did the Qi-Yoga flow with Kylie again. I did the 50-minute version this time. Namaste 💐🙏🏽🧡

Avatar  Pamela last month

Day 12! Rejuvenated for the win in. Two week challenge.

Avatar  Trice last month

Forgot to post yesterday. I did Katie’s class last night and it was really different. Had a long day so I think I needed a more end of day relaxing one. Will try this one again with a better mindset. Not bad just unusual for me.

Avatar  HeatherHalfMoon last month

I was going to do the digestion class this evening, but I've been really exhausted today. I'm going to take some elderberry syrup, do a little yoga stretching and a yoga nidra class that has helped me settle down. So wiped out.

Avatar  Oralee last month

Katie's Belly Fire class was really unusual. I really enjoyed savasana with the blanket under my back. I think I'll flag the class and try it again before dinner instead of after!

Avatar  Sarah last month

I revisited the Hip Mobility Flow from earlier in the week and am so pleased, my hips are feeling a lot better than when we started this challenge.

Avatar  Sarah last month

I revisited the Hip Mobility Flow from earlier in the week and am so pleased, my hips are feeling a lot better than when we started this challenge.

Avatar  Elizabeth last month

Katie's tantric Belly Fire for good digestion was a unique experience. Definitely an area that is overlooked for direct attention.

Avatar  Elizabeth last month

Katie's tantric Belly Fire for good digestion was a unique experience. Definitely an area that is overlooked for direct attention.

Avatar  TJ last month

Bummed I missed yesterday, but we took some time outdoors the past few days. Lots of hiking! And I’m sore. So, I got on my mat to an ol’ favorite. I chose a good stretch with Elise tonight.
Thank you!

Avatar  Desyree last month

I tried Katie's class today. It was definitely different than what I am used to but it was not my favorite. I want to try more classes from her because I am curious.

Avatar  Mindy last month

I needed a calming practice before bed, so I returned to an earlier day and tried Mindful Motion for Healing by Shannon Paige. It was okay. Better than no yoga. I was hoping for a more feel-good stretch to help me get through this cough. I am pretty sleepy now, though. So maybe it was better than I realized..

Avatar  EE last month

I really wanted to do Claire's class but didn't have time... Did the shorter class, definitely different and interesting!

Avatar  Lisa last month

I was glad to see Reset & Rejuvenate Flow with Claire as an option, I always enjoy her classes! As usual, she does a great job with a lovely flow that gets your energy level up!

Avatar  nikki last month

Posting again because I spelled my own name wrong 😝 I am very tired.

Today, I tried the belly fire class today. It was interesting! I’ve never tried a class like this one, so it was nice to try something new.

Avatar  nilki last month

Today, I tried the belly fire class today. It was interesting! I’ve never tried a class like this one, so it was nice to try something new.

Avatar  Andrea Ward last month

I did Katie’s class. It was an interesting practice and made me think about digestion differently.

Avatar  Jennie last month

I tried Belly Fire today. I had done some of these poses individually in other classes, but never altogether as an entire belly-focused class. My belly did feel good after!

Avatar  linda last month

Day 12 of the 14 day challenge. I completed the Belly Fire - Yogic Practices for good Digestion with Katie Silcox. Great class. I will be look for other classes with Katie Silcox. I love that Yoga Download has such a variety of practices. You can find the right class for what you need in any given day.

Avatar  Niki last month

I chose Claire's class today. It was challenging and very rejuvenating as promised.

Avatar  Jennifer last month

I was anxious about the length of Claire's class, but I was really glad I made the time to try it. It was a wonderful class!

Avatar  Jola last month

Belly fire was an interesting yoga session. I have never done this before. It was effortless and the time flew very quickly. I feel very rejuvenated and relaxed.

Avatar  Macsek last month

I made the second one today. i’m definitely stuck.

Avatar  Erin last month

Rest & Rejuvenate was lovely ☺️

Avatar  Debbie last month

I went back and did Jackie’s decompression class. That is what I needed today.

Avatar  DBeer last month

Day 12 belly fire….this was a different and new practice for me.

Avatar  Baynicole last month

Claire's Reset & Rejuvenate Flow was my choice today! Amazing class! It was challenging and definitely energizing! Great cues and transitions, I would definitely practice this one again. Thanks!

Avatar  Heather R last month

Yes, Belly fire was different.

Avatar  Pat last month

Today I went back to Kylie Larson's Qi Yoga for Beginners. It was a great class with excellent instruction.

Avatar  Rachel last month

Belly fire was definitely a different type of class for me!

Avatar  pammy last month

It shows Claire’s class today and it was indeed rejuvenating. However, I spent more time at the end with deep stretches rather than some of the more vigorous poses.

Avatar  Susan last month

Claire’s class was great with good balance of balancing flows snd stretches toward the end. It certainly gives me good energy and rejuvenate my whole body to start a new week. Thank joy!

Avatar  Robin last month

Having issues with my wifi today, so went back to a class I had previously downladed: Morning Quickie. I may do another one later today, or just bask in the fact I've done some semblance of yoga for 12 days in a row. :-)

Avatar  MPYoga last month

I wasn't feeling today's choices so I went back and did a class I missed. Today, I did It's Been a Long Day with Celest Pereira. It was very gentle and relaxing.

Avatar  melly last month

I did Claire's class which was a great all around practice. definitely challenging

Avatar  Mimi last month

I tried Katie's class and I really enjoyed focusing on the prana and belly and digestion. Good class. Om shanti

Avatar  Jo last month

Great practice with Claire for a Sunday morning. I still wish YogaDownload would offer silent videos. The elevator music used as soundtrack is inconsistent and distracting; it goes from nice and pleasant to 1980s jazzercise to annoying tunes. Please, let us just listen to the instructors’ voices and cues.

Avatar  Andie last month

Great options this morning!! I chose Jackie Mahrou’s Cool Down Yoga as I wanted something quick into the point after my run this morning. Very restorative! I have Claire’s class saved in my favorites to do another day.
Wish everybody a beautiful day 🧘🏻‍♀️

Avatar  SandyC last month

Happy Sunday! Two great options today. I've done Clare's class before so I chose Katie's Belly Fire. New instructor for me. A wonderful practice to focus on your belly with breath and focus. I've been practicing yoga for 25+ years so it really felt good to be able to focus and meditate on one area. The poses really opened up areas of my belly that I never have felt before. Definitely will practice this on my mat on a daily or weekly basis. Claire's class will definitely be practiced after this challenge...Make today a great day! Namaste...

Avatar  rcowin last month

Another great class by Claire!

Avatar  Molly Hicks last month

I chose Clare’s class this morning, and it was a questionable choice! After leg day yesterday and not being warmed up this morning, I had lots of challenges, haha. I really enjoyed the class, all stumbles aside. Maybe I’ll try it a little later in the day next time.

Avatar  Simona_Yoga last month

I truly enjoyed this class! The instructor had a clear, soothing voice and was easy to follow. The asanas were simple and gentle, yet I could feel their effectiveness. I especially appreciated the emphasis on breathing and the cultivation of prana. This is definitely one I’ll revisit time and time again!

Avatar  EmmaS last month

Day 12. I decided to do a donation class for the fire victims in LA instead. Even if I have not always done the suggested classes, I have done my daily yoga during this challenge.


Start the new year with intention, inspiration, and movement by joining our Vibration & Creation New Year’s Challenge!

This free, 2-week yoga journey is your perfect opportunity to kick off 2025 with a fresh start.

Beginning January 1st, you’ll have access to two yoga class options every day, designed to energize your body, clear your mind, and inspire creativity in your life.

Open to all levels, this challenge is for anyone looking to begin the year with purpose and positivity.

Practicing yoga daily has powerful benefits. It helps build strength and flexibility, reduces stress, and promotes mental clarity—all essential for navigating the new year with confidence and balance.

The theme of “Vibration & Creation” invites you to tune into your inner rhythm, harness positive energy, and create the life you want to lead in 2025. With each class, you’ll reconnect with yourself, set powerful intentions, and start each day feeling grounded and inspired.

And the best part? The challenge is completely free, making it easy for everyone to participate.

Whether you’re brand new to yoga or an experienced practitioner, this is your chance to build a consistent practice and step into the new year with purpose. Plus, you’ll be joining a supportive community of like-minded individuals who are also committed to starting the year on a high note.

Don’t wait—kick off 2025 with movement, mindfulness, and creation. Sign up now and get ready to vibrate higher and create the life you deserve! 🌟


By enrolling in this challenge you agree to the Terms & Conditions. If you do not agree then do not enroll.