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WINNERS ANNOUNCED! 2-Week Vibration & Creation New Years Challenge

This challenge has ended - a BIG congrats to all those who participated! Be very proud, and be sure to soak and bask in the benefits for all your hard work and effort (doesn't it feel GREAT?!)!! And most importantly, continue with your momentum. Do your best to keep up with your consistent practice...even 20 mins can change your entire day!

And without further ado, here are the winners of our amazing prize packages:

Grand Prize Winner: Pamela D. - Port Angeles, WA.

Runner Up Winner 1: Linda B. - San Diego, CA..

Runner Up Winner 2: Rachel R.Lancaster, PA.

Runner Up Winner 3: Nikki K.southern CA.

CONGRATULATIONS!! You can view the prize packages below.

We only work with brands we love and who embody our same yogic values! Please do what you can to help support our generous prize partners.

The FOUR lucky challenge prize winners will receive the following prize packages*:


  1. Well Life - $100 digital gift card
  2. Yoga Democracy - $100 digital gift card
  3. Pirani Life - $100 digital gift card
  4. Mache - $100 digital gift card
  5. 1-Year Unlimited Membership - to YogaDownload - $120 value


  1. Well Life - $50 digital gift card
  2. Yoga Democracy - $50 digital gift card
  3. Pirani Life - $50 digital gift card
  4. Mache - $50 digital gift card
  5. 6-Month Unlimited Membership - to YogaDownload - $70 value


Well Life
Well Life was brought into this world with the mission of creating products that reduce the amount of chemicals we use for ourselves and our pets, thereby putting less strain on the environment around us. We promise to continually work on this and to find packaging that does the same.

Yoga Democracy
Yoga Democracy was born from a deep-seated vision to forge a new standard in athletic wear—a standard that unites people, nurtures the planet, and embodies the essence of the yoga lifestyle. This is more than just apparel; this is a proclamation of your dedication to a life imbued with purpose.

Pirani Life
Pirani's mission is to empower everyday heroes in safeguarding our planet through raising eco-awareness and creating high quality sustainable solutions to single-use products.

Mache designs beautiful yoga and fitness storage and self care tools that support your practice while honoring the planet. All of our yoga storage products are handmade in the United States in small batches, and processed clean. Team Mache lives and breathes Sustainability, Wellness, and Design.

*To enter: comment about your class each day on this challenge page and/or post on FB/IG and tag @yogadownload 


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2-Week Vibration & Creation New Year's Challenge


2-Week Vibration & Creation New Year's Challenge

Day 9 - 2-Week Vibration & Creation New Years Challenge

Day 9 - 2-Week Vibration & Creation New Years Challenge

Welcome to Day 9 of our 2-Week Vibration & Creation New Year's Challenge!

Thursday, January 9th

Your back carries so much—physically and emotionally. How does it feel today? Stiff from sitting? Tired from standing? Or maybe ready for a little challenge? Whatever you’re feeling, today’s classes are here to help you reconnect, release, and restore balance.

Today’s class options are: "Yin Yang Yoga for the Lower Back" with Elise: A 35-minute all-levels practice combining gentle stretches and subtle strength work to ease tension in your lower back, or "Deeper Down the Road to Backbends" with Kristen: A 40-minute intermediate class designed to build flexibility and strength as you explore deeper backbends.

Tune into what your body needs today and choose the practice that will leave your back feeling supported and refreshed. Each class is a step toward greater ease and balance—keep going, you’re doing amazing! 🌟🧘‍♀️

Here are today's class options:

Yin Yang Yoga for the Lower Back with Elise Fabricant

35 min class

Level:  All Levels | Intensity: Everyday Namaste

Is your lower back a sensitive or weak area for you? Does it stiffen up from too much sitting, or even excessive exercise? Do you spend a lot of time bending over or lifting? If so, this is the class for you. We will start and end this session with gentle, mellow Yin poses. Holding these therapeutic shapes on the floor will help loosen and release tight back muscles and connective tissue. Sandwiched in the middle of the Yin practice is a more active Yang flow which will wake up and strengthen the back as well as the front of the pelvis. After just 35 minutes, you will feel this tricky area of your body alive with new energy and fluidity!

Deeper Down the Road to Backbends with Kristen Boyle

40 min class

Level: Intermediate | Intensity: You'll Feel It

This class is designed to get you further down the road to backbends. Back health and healthy, safe backbending, require an acute awareness of the front body and core strength. Yes, it also involves flexibility in the spine, but even more than that, it requires strength. The thoracic spine is an area that in our daily lives of computers, texting, driving, rounded shoulders and forward heads, gets overstretched and weakened. This class will bring your awareness to that area of the body that you can take off the mat of your asana practice, hopefully into your everyday life, where you can enjoy healthier posture and spine strength.

*you only need to choose one class

**If you're feeling in the mood for something different you can choose any of our free classes on our site (or any other class you'd like!). The most important thing is to show up and get on your mat!

Share your challenge experience in the comments section below and/or in a post or story on IG or Facebook (be sure to tag @yogadownload) for a chance to win a prize package! Each comment and post/story counts as one entry. 

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Showing 48 Comments
Avatar  Nathalie last month

DAY 9: I had forgotten to comment on the Challenge forum. I did the Yin Yang yoga flow with Elise in the night after putting my child to bed. It was really helpful to relax and stretch my back. Namaste 🧡🙏🏽💖!

Avatar  Jamillah last month

Yin Yang Yoga for the Lower Back was just what I needed after having back issues for the last few weeks. I will save this one to revisit in the future. Thank you!

Avatar  Molly Hicks last month

I took Elise’s class yesterday, and it was lovely for my sore back! Just realized now that I didn’t post my comment yesterday.

Avatar  Pat last month

Catching up with Yin Yang yoga. Some different poses, but I enjoyed the class.

Avatar  BWolfer last month

I loved the Yin yang yoga! It felt great!

Avatar  Melly last month

Kristen's back bend class is something i'll definitely be revisiting. would definitely like to be more flexible in my back.

Avatar  Oralee last month

Side winder pose in Elise's Yin Yang was a bit silly. I was surprised to see camel also, but its definitely a big back sensation pose so that makes sense. Time to sleep!

Avatar  TJ last month

Thank you Elise! Another favorite of mine.

Avatar  Sarah last month

I did a lovely class by Ali Duncan that I've never tried before, and it was just perfect. Slow Hatha Yoga, perfect for what my body was asking for this evening. Moving meditation.

Avatar  Marina last month

I picked Kristen’s class tonight. I was a little worried that I wouldn’t be able to finish as it is a little late, but the class went by so quickly! It was cool down before I knew it! I feel stronger in my back bends and that has always been a weak spot for me. Will easily do this class again.
Empowering Day 9!

Avatar  Desyree last month

I chose Elise's class and I really liked it! It was already in my favorites. Even though I was not feeling back pain, I do feel more opening in my lower back :)

Avatar  Christina last month

Loved the yin yang yoga! Felt so good & Perfect for today.

Avatar  HeatherHalfMoon last month

It's been another long day... So I'm doing evening yoga. I will try Elise's class cuz I need a gentle wind down. Hooray for 9 Days of Yoga!

Avatar  Molly Hicks last month

My lower back has been bugging me, so I went with Elise’s class this evening to give it some love. It was a wonderful way to stretch out and I left the class feeling much looser and more relaxed!

Avatar  Jennie Murack last month

I did Elise's class this evening. It included some interesting exercises that I might try in the morning when my low back tends to be cranky.

Avatar  pammy last month

Day 9 , feeling more centered and grounded.
Yin/Yang after busy day at the clinic was relaxing, especially with lit candles and incense☯️

Avatar  Elizabeth last month

Enjoyed Elise's Yin Yang Yoga class tonight. Bring on the double digits!

Avatar  Brandie last month

Yin yang yoga for the lower back today with Elise helped release a lot of tension

Avatar  Kathy last month

I was short on time this evening, so I did Claire's Travel Transition Tune-up class. It's a great class to stretch everything out after a long day and I had a run this morning, so it helped loosen everything out. I will come back to one of these classes listed when I have time another day. Namaste.

Avatar  Heather R last month

Elise’s class for day 9, although full disclosure my cat decided to lay on me so I skipped camel and rabbit poses. Good for my hips. This is an oldie but goodie.

Avatar  Sabrina last month

Day 9 - today I completed Elise’s Yin Yang yoga. It was great to do before bedtime. Thank you Elise! Namaste 🙏🏽

Avatar  Erin last month

Elise’s class for me today ☺️

Avatar  Robin last month

I did Elsie's class for Day 9. Loved it. Can't believe that I've done 9 days of yoga in a row after such a long absence. Thank you for this challenge and this community!

Avatar  Jennifer last month

Happy Day 9 to you all! Really enjoying this challenge and community! Kristen's class was very calming while still being challenging

Avatar  Rachel last month

Day 9 in a row! Needed an easy and quick AM practice today so I did an old favorite- "Yoga for Breakfast". Highly recommend for people who need to get moving in the morning but gently and just don't want to take a lot of time!

Avatar  Mindy last month

I did Elise’s class for the back. Lovely class. Just what my body needed after a long day (plus more to come!).

Avatar  Baynicole last month

I had a bad back right around Christmas, so I was delighted to see these classes as the option for Day 9. I chose Kristen's class, because back strength is so important. I liked it, although I would have preferred it a little longer with more stretching. I may move on to Elise's also. Thank you!

Avatar  linda last month

Day 9 of this 14 day challenge. I completed the Yin Yang Yoga for the Lower Back with Elise Fabricant. I have arthoritis in my lower back. This practice is great a great practice. Some of these poses are exactly what the dr recommended for my lower back. Thank you Yoga Download.

Avatar  EmmaS last month

Day 9. Did a morning yoga class today, too. I am happy I have done nine days of daily practice, no matter what class.

Avatar  Dbeer last month

Day 9 deeper down the road to backbends. This was a very good practice although it did hurt my lower back. It could be my age and not being as flexible as younger yogis. I will keep working on it. Thank you for your practice.

Avatar  nikki last month

I joined Elise’s practice today. So helpful after sitting at a desk all day. 💜

Avatar  zenflow731 last month

Kristen's class was fine but not my favorite. In any case, my upper back got a needed stretch and I'm loving the consistency of being on my mat daily.

Avatar  MPYoga last month

Today, I really enjoyed Elise's class. It was very unique and gentle.

Avatar  Jen last month

My back can be a little sensitive, but I love Kristen Boyle's intense focus on each part of a posture, so I chose her Hip Mobility Flow. Plenty of back strengthening too, but great for having to sit a lot yesterday.

Avatar  Susan last month

A very nice stretch of my back with Kristen’s class. I feel a bit relief after the class. Will do it again when my back is stiff. Thanks!

Avatar  Mimi last month

Elise's class soothed my angry back perfectly this morning and I feel ready to try Kristen's class later. Yay for yoga download challenges! Om shanti

Avatar  SandyC last month

Happy Thursday! Perfect options for today. After a 45min cycle class, I did Kristen's class to stretched out my low back including my upper back and neck. My entire body is now aligned not to mention better than I did when I first started. Added to my favorites to continue practicing on my mat. Also, added Elise's class as a favorite to try after this challenge. Make today a great day! Namaste...

Avatar  Linda last month

I generally don't love really slow paced classes but I decided to give Elise a try today. I'm glad a I did, I feel stretched and decompressed.

Avatar  Nikki last month

Yun Yang for the low back. Yes! Elise is great

Avatar  Heavenly last month

Kristen's class today. A great exploration of backbends and very energizing!

Avatar  Debbie last month

Elise, wonderful morning practice.

Avatar  Pamela last month

I love Elise’s classes. So gentle and great cues! Don’t even have to look at the screen! Day 9 of two week challenge!

Avatar  Simona_Yoga last month

I loved the slow flow for my lower back.

Avatar  EE last month

Chose Kristen's class and it was a bit of effort but mostly relaxing stretches and a simple flow.

Avatar  MEAP last month

Elise’s slow deep flow was just what I needed today!

Avatar  Andrea Ward last month

I did Kristen’s class and enjoyed it very much. I find that she gives very clear instructions and find the routines interesting and varied. Thant you for a great start to my day

Avatar  rcowin last month

I have very tight shoulders and upper back naturally, add to that I've been on a computer since I was about 8 years old and work at a desk for 10-12 hours a day and Kristen's class was exactly what I need! I'll have to save it as a favorite and incorporate it into my practice at some regular interval.

Avatar  Macsek last month

As I often have problem with my lower back, I went for the first class today. Usually ying yang sesions are not my favourite, as they tend to be slow, but this felt really fantastic and unwinding for today morning. Thank you for giving me strength for the upcoming challgnees with the nice practice! 🙏


Start the new year with intention, inspiration, and movement by joining our Vibration & Creation New Year’s Challenge!

This free, 2-week yoga journey is your perfect opportunity to kick off 2025 with a fresh start.

Beginning January 1st, you’ll have access to two yoga class options every day, designed to energize your body, clear your mind, and inspire creativity in your life.

Open to all levels, this challenge is for anyone looking to begin the year with purpose and positivity.

Practicing yoga daily has powerful benefits. It helps build strength and flexibility, reduces stress, and promotes mental clarity—all essential for navigating the new year with confidence and balance.

The theme of “Vibration & Creation” invites you to tune into your inner rhythm, harness positive energy, and create the life you want to lead in 2025. With each class, you’ll reconnect with yourself, set powerful intentions, and start each day feeling grounded and inspired.

And the best part? The challenge is completely free, making it easy for everyone to participate.

Whether you’re brand new to yoga or an experienced practitioner, this is your chance to build a consistent practice and step into the new year with purpose. Plus, you’ll be joining a supportive community of like-minded individuals who are also committed to starting the year on a high note.

Don’t wait—kick off 2025 with movement, mindfulness, and creation. Sign up now and get ready to vibrate higher and create the life you deserve! 🌟


By enrolling in this challenge you agree to the Terms & Conditions. If you do not agree then do not enroll.