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WINNERS ANNOUNCED! 2-Week Vibration & Creation New Years Challenge

This challenge has ended - a BIG congrats to all those who participated! Be very proud, and be sure to soak and bask in the benefits for all your hard work and effort (doesn't it feel GREAT?!)!! And most importantly, continue with your momentum. Do your best to keep up with your consistent practice...even 20 mins can change your entire day!

And without further ado, here are the winners of our amazing prize packages:

Grand Prize Winner: Pamela D. - Port Angeles, WA.

Runner Up Winner 1: Linda B. - San Diego, CA..

Runner Up Winner 2: Rachel R.Lancaster, PA.

Runner Up Winner 3: Nikki K.southern CA.

CONGRATULATIONS!! You can view the prize packages below.

We only work with brands we love and who embody our same yogic values! Please do what you can to help support our generous prize partners.

The FOUR lucky challenge prize winners will receive the following prize packages*:


  1. Well Life - $100 digital gift card
  2. Yoga Democracy - $100 digital gift card
  3. Pirani Life - $100 digital gift card
  4. Mache - $100 digital gift card
  5. 1-Year Unlimited Membership - to YogaDownload - $120 value


  1. Well Life - $50 digital gift card
  2. Yoga Democracy - $50 digital gift card
  3. Pirani Life - $50 digital gift card
  4. Mache - $50 digital gift card
  5. 6-Month Unlimited Membership - to YogaDownload - $70 value


Well Life
Well Life was brought into this world with the mission of creating products that reduce the amount of chemicals we use for ourselves and our pets, thereby putting less strain on the environment around us. We promise to continually work on this and to find packaging that does the same.

Yoga Democracy
Yoga Democracy was born from a deep-seated vision to forge a new standard in athletic wear—a standard that unites people, nurtures the planet, and embodies the essence of the yoga lifestyle. This is more than just apparel; this is a proclamation of your dedication to a life imbued with purpose.

Pirani Life
Pirani's mission is to empower everyday heroes in safeguarding our planet through raising eco-awareness and creating high quality sustainable solutions to single-use products.

Mache designs beautiful yoga and fitness storage and self care tools that support your practice while honoring the planet. All of our yoga storage products are handmade in the United States in small batches, and processed clean. Team Mache lives and breathes Sustainability, Wellness, and Design.

*To enter: comment about your class each day on this challenge page and/or post on FB/IG and tag @yogadownload 


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2-Week Vibration & Creation New Year's Challenge


2-Week Vibration & Creation New Year's Challenge

Day 8 - 2-Week Vibration & Creation New Years Challenge

Day 8 - 2-Week Vibration & Creation New Years Challenge

Welcome to Day 8 of our 2-Week Vibration & Creation New Year's Challenge!

Wednesday, January 8th

Yoga is as much about creating space as it is about movement. Space for your body, your thoughts, and your emotions. Today’s practices invite you to decompress and reflect, making room for what truly matters.

Choose from - "Daily Decompression 3: Create Space" with Jackie (25 min, all levels): Release tension and rediscover your freedom of movement, or "Gaze Inward: Full Tortoise" with Cicily (45 min, intermediate): Dive into a deep, grounding practice that invites stillness and self-awareness.

Let today’s practice help you reset and realign. Space is powerful—embrace it fully!

Here are today's class options:

Daily Decompression 3: Create Space with Jackie Casal Mahrou

25 min class

Level:  All Levels | Intensity: Ahhhhhh

Welcome to the third class in the Daily Decompression series, a group of classes designed to help you release tension in both your body and mind, allowing you to feel more present and at ease. In this class, you will be guided through gentle postures that incorporate all movements of the spine, as well as stretches for your chest, hips, and shoulders. This class is perfect for any time of day when you need to unwind, breathe deeply, and decompress. Enjoy!

Gaze Inward: Full Tortoise with Cicily Carter

50 min class

Level: Intermediate | Intensity: You'll Feel It

Find equal parts strengthening and stretch in this 50 minute class designed to open the front and backline of your body. Experience deep tissue release by first building heat then moving into a series of deep hip opening postures. This series will move you into a deep state of rest and relaxation; great to provide clarity to your morning or deep rest at night.

*you only need to choose one class

**If you're feeling in the mood for something different you can choose any of our free classes on our site (or any other class you'd like!). The most important thing is to show up and get on your mat!

Share your challenge experience in the comments section below and/or in a post or story on IG or Facebook (be sure to tag @yogadownload) for a chance to win a prize package! Each comment and post/story counts as one entry. 

Comments are closed.
Showing 55 Comments
Avatar  Kathryn 3 weeks ago

So, yeah. I'm waaaaayyyyy behind on the challenge, but still not giving up. Jackie's classes are always a joy. I love her low-key motivating manner and this was a super way to start my day. Thank you YD!

Avatar  Vicky last month

I performed the daily decompression with Jackie. It was the perfect way to decompress after a week of remodeling our kitchen. It was very stressful with 2 kids, working and having no kitchen. This series definitely let me feel regrounded and decompressed.

Avatar  Pat last month

Catching up, I chose Jackie's Daily Decompression 3 class. I enjoyed it and will definitely go back to it

Avatar  Jamillah last month

I had to take a break from the challenge for a couple of days due to aggravated sciatica. Daily Decompression 3: Create Space was the perfect way to ease back in! I feel accomplished having gotten through this class without pain. Thank you!

Avatar  HeatherHalfMoon last month

Well, I goofed last night and forgot to leave a comment. Oops!
Since I did some challenging exercises at physical therapy yesterday, I chose an online class I found that is specifically yoga for folks with knee injuries. It was a good choice. But I was so ready to go to sleep that I forgot to go to my laptop and make a comment.
Again-- I'm glad for the challenge to keep me trying my yoga.

Avatar  Jen last month

After a busy but productive day, I did Jackie's Daily Decompression class. I wanted intensity since I didn't get exercise in earlier, but this is what I actually needed. Perfect way to calm the system.

Avatar  Melly last month

Jackie's class was perfect after doing Jack's leg class.

Avatar  Heavenly last month

I chose Cicely's class. It was fun to play with tortoise and I kind of got there :D I loved all the hip opening too.

Avatar  TJ last month

Another great class with Jackie! Thank you!

Avatar  Marina last month

I picked Jackie’s class tonight because a decompression sounded like what I needed. And it was. I feel very relaxed and ready to shut down for the night now.
Relaxing Day 8!

Avatar  Robin last month

11 pm MST and just finished Jackie’s decompression class. So nice after a crazy, long day.

Avatar  Macsek last month

Due to lack of time I only did the easier version today. Hope yoga helps me find some stability within these pile of uncertainities.

Avatar  Nathalie last month

DAY 8: I have been feeling better today and the pains in my left knee have started to lessen. Would have loved to pick the Gaze Inward flow with Cicily, but I finally went for the Daily Decompression flow with Jackie, as I feel I need to be patiet with my still injured knee. I have just completed the Daily Decompression class and I loved its gentle pace and Jackie's cues and explanations. Very sweet and nice flow. Thank you and namaste!

Avatar  sarah last month

Daily decompression was just the right pace for my evening. Lovely

Avatar  Oralee last month

Jackie's class was nice and chill. I like the leg extended and crossed behind from table and whale's tail. Those poses don't show up very often.

Avatar  Desyree last month

Jackie's class was amazing as always. Great class after a busy day. Very relaxing!

Avatar  Brandie last month

Today’s daily decompression 3 with Jackie felt great! Just what I needed.

Avatar  EE last month

I needed a very light class for end of day and Jacque's was perfect!

Avatar  Lisa N last month

Daily Decompression Was a great class to unwind after a stressful day! Relaxing poses alllowed me to clear my head while stretching out some tight areas.

Avatar  Elizabeth last month

After my inversion yoga practice, Jackie's Daily Decompression was just a wonderful way to wind down. One of my favourite teachers on yogadownload!

Avatar  pammy last month

Daily decompression lived up to its name. Great way to let go of a busy day.
Jackie always delivers 💟

Avatar  Heather R last month

Jackie’s class was an excellent wind down after a day working from home. Great for hips and shoulders!

Avatar  Sabrina last month

Day 8 - today I completed Jackie’s Daily Decompression. It was a great way to wind down after a busy day. Thank you Jackie! Namaste 🧘🏽‍♀️🧘🏽‍♀️

Avatar  carolyn last month

Jackie's class was perfect to finish the day with. Lovely slow pace.

Avatar  Andrea last month

I missed Claire's Yin to Unleash Your Creativity class yesterday, so I decided to try that one tonight. So glad I did, it's a new favorite I'll be returning to often.

Avatar  Susan last month

Jackie’s decompression class is a great way to help me to wind down after a hectic day. I always enjoy her class as she gives very clear cues and good flow and stretch sequences. Thanks Jackie!

Avatar  Trice last month

Did Jackie’s class today. A real nice, calming, stretchy class. Put in my favorites!!

Avatar  Molly Hicks last month

I love Jackie’s classes, and this one didn’t disappoint! This was such a nice way to unwind after a long day at work today.

Avatar  Jennie last month

I had recently done Daily Decompression 3 so I chose to do the original Daily Decompression from several years ago. It felt so good to stretch and twist my back after sitting all day.

Avatar  Megs last month

Jackie's class was the perfect flow I needed today

Avatar  Rachel last month

Ended my day with Jackie!

Avatar  Baynicole last month

I went with Cicily's Gaze Inward class. It was my first time with full tortoise pose and I was able to get into it! The class was challenging at times but manageable. It definitely got the heart rate up. Thanks!

Avatar  Jennifer last month

Always excited to see Jackie's classes pop up! She is a phenomenal instructor! I did her Busy Day Flow class - I was a bit short on time today. Great stretch, core work, and balancing!

Avatar  BWolfer last month

I felt like a challenge to day so I tried Cicely's class. It felt good to build some heat (it is 11 degrees F here, BRRRR!)

Avatar  EmmaS last month

Day 8 of yoga! Switched to a morning class. I like to start the day with yoga!

Avatar  linda last month

I have made it to day 8 of the 14 day challenge. I completed the Daily Decompression 3: Create Space" with Jackie today. These classes for all levels is perfect for someone like me who is getting back into doing yoga. Jackie is another one of my favorite instructors. She is soft spoken, which is very calming. I feel great :)

Avatar  nikki last month

I have never met a Jackie class I didn’t adore. Daily Decompression felt DELICIOUS.

Avatar  Rocío last month

When I read Jackie....then I take her class without amy doubt. She is always a safe choice! Lovely

Avatar  Erin last month

Jackie is my favorite YDL instructor, so I had to do Daily Decompression 3. So lovely!

Avatar  MPYoga last month

Today, I did Jackie's class. It was lovely and gentle.

Avatar  Andie last month

JCM’s daily decompression class was such a great way to give my body some love today. 🙏🏼

Avatar  Dbeer last month

Day 8 daily decompression 3 this was a great gentle class thank you for your practice

Avatar  Nikki last month

Jackie's class is very gentle. Love the message of creating space

Avatar  SandyC last month

Happy Wednesday! Day 8 or 8...Happy to see both options. I listened to my mind and body and chose Jackie's class. A wonderful class to decompress anytime of the day to reset. Jackie's queues for breath and stretch with modifications when needed really allowed me to focus on my practice with my mat. Feel zen with a smile for my day. Definitely added to my favorites and will check out her other Daily Decompression classes. After this challenge I will practice Cicily's for today. Make today a great day! Namaste...

Avatar  Simona_Yoga last month

I did the Daily Decompression 3 today. I love this series as I can fully relax and decompress after a busy day. One of my favorite series.

Avatar  Mimi last month

Daily Decompressions have been a regular in my rotation and #3 is right up there on top. Another great Jackie offering. Om shanti

Avatar  Jo last month

Nice practice. A bit too fast at times, but manageable. I’ll try some of her other classes.

Avatar  Elissa last month

I enjoyed Cicily's class today. It was my first time practicing with her. Good cues and sequences

Avatar  Linda last month

Thank you Jackie for the perfect stretch after a weight lifting session. I marked this as a favorite so I can retun to it after a stressful day!

Avatar  Debbie last month

Thanks Jackie. Very relaxing.

Avatar  zenflow731 last month

I really enjoyed the fast pace of Cicely's class - it helped me to really focus on my body and created a nice heat.

Avatar  rcowin last month

First class with Cicily. Wow, what a talented young instructor! There were things that could be better (a few cues and leaving time for a full inhale or exhale to complete a transition) but overall I was very impressed. Thanks for the introduction to her classes!

Avatar  Andrea Ward last month

I completed Jackie’s class this morning and really appreciated the gentleness of the class. I might try to go back and do Cicily’s class later on just so I can get my heart Harare up a bit today.

Avatar  Kathy last month

I started my day with Jackie's Daily Decompression class. It was a good way to stretch everything out and wake up. She is such a great instructor and her voice is so calm and soothing.

Avatar  Pamela last month

I have been doing the 8 days. Day 8 with the tortoise was too fast. I felt like I was hyperventilating.


Start the new year with intention, inspiration, and movement by joining our Vibration & Creation New Year’s Challenge!

This free, 2-week yoga journey is your perfect opportunity to kick off 2025 with a fresh start.

Beginning January 1st, you’ll have access to two yoga class options every day, designed to energize your body, clear your mind, and inspire creativity in your life.

Open to all levels, this challenge is for anyone looking to begin the year with purpose and positivity.

Practicing yoga daily has powerful benefits. It helps build strength and flexibility, reduces stress, and promotes mental clarity—all essential for navigating the new year with confidence and balance.

The theme of “Vibration & Creation” invites you to tune into your inner rhythm, harness positive energy, and create the life you want to lead in 2025. With each class, you’ll reconnect with yourself, set powerful intentions, and start each day feeling grounded and inspired.

And the best part? The challenge is completely free, making it easy for everyone to participate.

Whether you’re brand new to yoga or an experienced practitioner, this is your chance to build a consistent practice and step into the new year with purpose. Plus, you’ll be joining a supportive community of like-minded individuals who are also committed to starting the year on a high note.

Don’t wait—kick off 2025 with movement, mindfulness, and creation. Sign up now and get ready to vibrate higher and create the life you deserve! 🌟


By enrolling in this challenge you agree to the Terms & Conditions. If you do not agree then do not enroll.