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Choose a Higher Vibration

Choose a Higher Vibration

Think about the vibration of a fast food restaurant versus a health food store. You don’t need to study energy in depth or be professionals in the field of vibration to tell the difference. Which makes you feel better? By buying, downloading, watching, or consuming something you are in agreement with what that product, idea, or process it stands for. The more you experience, the better you will be at discerning what is best. 

By bringing more consciousness to your choices, you start to become aware of not only choices that we’ve made in the past that need to change, but also habits and patterns of behavior that do not serve you in the present. In short, the lotus grows from the muck…a lot must change in order to bloom into a lotus flower and first you have to take a look at the muck! Which are you choosing? The universe is listening and will bring you more of what you choose. Choose more consciously, you will have more clarity. 

By digging deeper and deeper into your choices and what is driving them, more and more light will be revealed. The gem inside of us starts to feel wanted and starts to sparkle more frequently. The vibration that is you starts to awaken and you make healthier choices. You will make connections with people, places, and things that you personally needed to find, you will experience more “ah-ha” moments. Information you’ve been seeking has been seeking you, and it’s finally revealed. 

Physically, you will feel better in your body, more grounded, and can state your point of view without being defensive or overbearing. With this awareness comes a natural feeling of being content—because you are now taking care of your needs and are listening to what is good for you and not what others tell you is good for you. 

By raising your personal vibration by choosing consciously what feels better to YOU, you cast out any outdated belief systems that are not yours (which is the case with MOST of them!) and return to true connection with others by relating to them from a place of truly knowing yourself. This is true intimacy. 

Raising your vibration by making more conscious choices such as practicing yoga, meditation, visualization, clothing, gemstones, home décor, food, etc. can change your life. Choose wisely and with intention! First ask, is this the best choice for me today? Then give yourself permission to trust yourself to know what is best for you! 

By April Laliberte 

April is a yoga instructor for Yoga Download. You can also find her energetic meditations at YogaDownload. She also teaches Sacred Sound Vinyasa in Nederland, CO at Tadasana Mountain Yoga and connects conscious individuals to their sacred art objects in her/her husband’s store Nomadic Import Traders in Boulder, CO.

Download one of April's yoga classes or energetic meditations today! 


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