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Choose Joy

Choose Joy

Joy exists in the present moment, always there for us, waiting for us to choose to acknowledge it. Even in the most tumultuous times, when life flies by like a rollercoaster or we feel stuck in stagnant patterns, joy is there. We must tune in to the well of happiness inside and notice it. Of course, it’s a lot easier to do when life is flowing along without major strife, but we can’t predict or control a lot of external events, so we must go inside and excavate joy from within.

What is joy? It’s easier to define what joy isn’t. Joy isn’t that artificial high characterized by reaching the mountain peak or the excitement of a new purchase, a new goal checked off of your to-do list. Joy isn’t simply adrenaline or a buzz, although joy exists there as well. Joy resides in the present, not in anticipation of the future.

Which moments of your life fill you with quiet contentment?

Do you find it when you practice yoga? Meditate? Spend time in the mountains inhaling the crisp air and scents of the trees or strolling along the ocean, dipping your toes into the refreshing water and savoring the breeze along your skin? How about snuggling on the couch with your dog or cat or partner? Sharing a delicious meal with friends? Savoring solitude with an engrossing book? Whatever it is for you, stop and notice it.

A fulfilling life consists of an accumulation of small moments, as opposed to the huge ones. For example, do you cherish your partner if you are married because of how amazing your wedding day was or because of how he makes you coffee just the way you like it and you remember to pick up her favorite chocolate croissant on the way home from work? It’s the small, daily, sustainable moments we tend to ignore that create the fabric of our lives.

Challenge yourself to slow down and recognize joy in the quieter moments. A mindful yoga and meditation practice can help you become more aware of the light and happiness within you. Tune in and become more adept at appreciating the feelings of abundance and beauty. Practice gratitude for what you have in your life today.

This week's classes will fill you with joy whether you're already feeling it, or struggling to find it. No matter where you are in this moment, one of these practices will help you access your own wellspring of joy.

1. Les Leventhal: Guidelines for a Balanced Life. Accessing Joy
2. Maria Garre: Yoga for Depression. Flow Into Happiness
3. Pradeep Teotia: Meditate with Gratitude - FREE CLASS
4. Tyrone Beverly: Energy Flow

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