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4 Classes to Get You Ready for Love

4 Classes to Get You Ready for Love

When we tend to our own self-care, our confidence and independence increases, while the drama that we create in our relationships (romantic or otherwise) decreases dramatically. Instead of expecting somebody else to give us happiness, peace, or fulfillment, we are liberated knowing we can obtain it ourselves. Then, through the practice of self-love, gratitude, and physically breaking through the emotions weighing us down, we become ready for the relationships that will lift us up. Take care of your self, explore your passions– you are fully resourced and have everything you need. 

Let today’s practice unblock your heart and make way for love. 

Elise Fabricant - Reset Refuge: Thrive & Shine! 
Refresh and renew with this 30-minute, all-levels practice, to awaken your spine and core, open your hips, unlock your neck, and finally chill your nervous system. 

Pradeep Teotia - Core Passion
Use your yoga to get in touch with your passion, on and off that mat. This core class will fuel your fire. 

Eric Paskel - The Sweetest Thing
It's all in the name... This gentle yoga class that will ease you out of stress and into relaxation through encouraging dialogue and juicy asana, taught by this month's featured teacher. 

Jeanie Manchester - Lakshmi Love 
This deep hip opening hatha class begins with the story of Lakshmi, the radiant Goddess who finds her beauty by churning in the shadow and light. By accepting our shadow, our pain, we can choose to make more beauty, more light, opening our ability to create more of ourselves and our gifts becomes possible.

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