yoga download

Dave Hatch

David Hatch began studying massage therapy in 1997 and shortly after, in 2001, he began his yoga studies. He also has a BS in Psychology('92) and an Associate in Sign Language('94). Yoga is a discipline of mindfulness. As we move through our busy lives it is important to listen to our core, to discover our individual, unique balance that is in harmony with life.

Our practice, as well as our very being, is as distinct as a fingerprint. As we begin to honor and respect ourselves we become aware of the life within us moving us forward. This practice is designed to help you open to YOUR practice. Using breath, posture and meditation, David teaches a wonderfully restorative, centering practice that can help you discover your balance, on and off the mat. David has travelled, studied and practiced around the U.S. and abroad. He currently lives on the island of Skyros in Greece.