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Chakras (24:00)
$ 4.99
Crown Chakra (17:41)
$ 4.99
Third Eye Chakra (19:54)
$ 4.99
Throat Chakra (22:27)
$ 4.99
Heart Chakra (21:06)
$ 4.99
Third Chakra (21:11)
$ 4.99
Second Chakra (23:18)
$ 4.99
Root Chakra (15:36)
$ 4.99
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Yoga Teaching Inspirations - Chakras

Alanna Kaivalya

These Yoga Teaching Inspirations are audio lectures on how to build your class around pertinent themes and philosophy in yoga.

Chakras (Energy Centers)
The chakras are subtle energy centers throughout the body that reflect emotional feeling in physical manifestations. We move through and have the opportunity to balance them when we do asana.

Crown Chakra
The seventh and final chakra represents the goal of the journey as we move through the different levels of consciousness.

Third Eye Chakra
The Third Eye chakra represents wisdom and how we can draw upon it as teachers.

Throat Chakra (Communication Center)
The throat chakra holds our ability to communicate clearly and honestly with our students and allows our students to communicate honestly with themselves.

Heart Chakra
The heart chakra is all about our ability to express ourselves in the truest, deepest, most love-filled way possible. Channeling this chakra in our classes allows our students to feel openness and expansiveness in their bodies and in their heart's centers, their true norths.

Third Chakra
This third chakra is the seat of the ego. How do we use ego when we teach? How can we separate it from our yoga practice?

Second Chakra
In this energy center lies your ability to create anything in the world. It is both the center for creativity and procreativity, meaning it balances our sexual and creative energies.

Root Chakra
The root chakra is where we find our sense of being grounded. When it is imbalanced – when we are away from home literally or metaphorically – we need to find practices that bring it back into balance.

My Notes