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55 min class (52:42)
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Absolution Flow: Get it Together

Mark Morford

Don’t be shy. Sure, there are several intense moves in this exhilarating flow. Sure, there are challenging arm balances, warriors galore, some flying things, flips and swirls and a sizzling, spirited pace to make you swoon. It’s not for the faint of practice.

But know this: “advanced” doesn’t mean you can blast through difficult sequences like an aggro CrossFit maniac. Yoga is not interested in how hard you can torment your spine or sap your prana. “Advanced” simply means you’re cultivating real skill at holding your center, maintaining intentional cadences, being powerfully present to the moment you are in, EVEN AS challenge and intensity arise. Put another way: If it’s crushing and exhausting, you’re doing it wrong.

How do you respond to potent challenge? How loud is your ego? Can you hold space, joy and quiet devotion as you dance with Shiva? Shall we find out?

Mark recommends using the following playlist for this class: Spotify playlist for Get it Together

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