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45 min class (46:36)
$ 6.99
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Rockin' Bhakti - The Tie That Binds Us

Christen Bakken

What are you committed to? What do you most desire? In this vinyasa flow class, you will explore that which you so clearly are reaching for, but can feel as though it can slip through your fingers. This moment of uncertainly is a call to reclaim, reclasp, recommit to what you are reaching for. We will explore backbend work, with a bind, and really work the standing legs. The last portion of class will bring balance to this work with folds, outer hip opening, and twists. Be ready for a challenge, one that you can really reach for.

Christen recommends using the following playlist for this class: Spotify playlist for Rockin' Bhakti - The Tie That Binds Us

My Notes