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Standing Forward Bend


Standing Forward Bend is a calming posture that will stretch your calves, hamstrings, and back muscles while rejuvenating your mind and body.

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Step By Step

  1. From a Mountain Pose, bring your hands to your hips. Lengthen your spine on an inhale breath. As you exhale, slowly hinge forward at the hips while keeping your spine long and core engaged.
  2. With your legs as straight as possible, bring your hands or fingers to touch the floor if you are able. If you are not able to touch the floor you can bring your hands to your legs until you achieve enough flexibility to touch the floor. Be sure not to lock out your legs to avoid hyperextension.
  3. Press all four corners of both feet evenly into the floor. Lift your sitting bones high.
  4. Let your head hang down and allow your neck muscles to release. Lengthen your spine on each inhale breath, and release deeper into the stretch on each exhale.
  5. Hold here for several breaths. Trust that your body will open up as you continuously hold and practice this posture.
  6. To release, bring your hands to your hips, look forward, and rise up to standing with a long spine.
Pose Name

Other Names

  • Forward Fold
  • Forward Bend


  • Lengthens spine, torso and back muscles
  • Stretches calves, hamstrings, and hips
  • Relieves neck and shoulder tension
  • Calms your mind and helps reduce stress
  • Strengthens thigh and abdominal muscles
  • Therapeutic for anxiety, high blood pressure, headache, and infertility


  • Back injury (can modify by bending knees)
  • Second and third trimester of pregnancy (can modify by widening feel apart and bending knees)
  • Ear or Sinus Infection


  • If you have a back injury or low back pain you can bend your knees and begin straighten them as you become more flexible
  • Gently squeeze a block in between your thighs as you forward bend. This can help relieve back pain and allow you to stretch more deeply
  • If this posture is too intense for you, try placing your feet hip-width distance apart for more comfort


This posture activates the Root Chakra (Muladhara) as well as the Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana), and invites in a sense of grounding, vitality, creativity, and connection.