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Cancer New Moon (7/4/2016)- Diving Into the Shadow: Finding Meaning In Our Greatest Gifts

Cancer New Moon (7/4/2016)- Diving Into the Shadow: Finding Meaning In Our Greatest Gifts

They need exposure.

By nurturing and tending to our shadow, by listening to our intuition and by communing with the unconscious, we bring forth what is most alive within us. This does require vulnerability, and while Cancer generally doesn’t let anyone who might wound it too close, we have a good chance during this new moon to do things differently. A  close relationship in the sky to Mercury and Venus encourages this new moon energy to speak up about what is most important, and to seek the love and harmony required to safely explore vulnerability. An opposition to Pluto demands this of us… it is time to no longer sit in the dark scared and alone, but rather to start mining our darkness for the precious gems it has yet to reveal. 

Use this new moon to dig deeply, and use the tools necessary to know yourself a little better. This self-knowledge, or gnosis, allows for a greater expression of our inner gifts. One technique to utilize during this Cancer new moon is dream journaling. Ask your unconscious to reveal to you a message, and commit to writing down your dreams every morning. The themes you see are for you to interpret, as the unconscious always delivers messages in the language that you understand. Become your own expert and heed their call. As we know ourselves better, we are more confident in speaking up about our needs and desires to those we love. In the end, the greatest gift we give the beloved is self-knowledge. 

Alchemical Ritual for the Cancer New Moon

As a water sign, Cancer is immersed in the watery world of the emotions and our unconscious drives. On the low side, this fluid sign becomes moody and overly sensitive, seeking self-protection at all costs. This new moon ritual for Cancer accentuates the high side of sign so we express our emotions in a healthy way, allowing for receptivity, acceptance, nurturing, growth and self-care along the way.  

Cancer's ruler is the moon, the luminescent body that shines light on our dark areas, namely, the unconscious. While Cancer sometimes falls prey to the shadow with emotional instability, it also has the opportunity to heal any wounds left untended, and brings awareness to our own darkness, ultimately revealing its light. To keep Cancer’s energy elevated in this ritual, try donning white clothing and gather white stones such as moonstone and place them in the center of your ritual space. You may also place your sacred items in a silver bowl or chalice, as silver compliments the moon.

Bring in the water element in some way, perhaps by placing a few drops of essential oils in water in the silver vessel, if you have it(jasmine, lemon or sandalwood oils work well with Cancer). These essential oils can be used to anoint your third eye chakra before and after your ceremony. Use sage, sweet grass or palo santo to cleanse yourself and the space by casting the smoke over yourself and encircling your own body three times. Light a few candles and dim the lights. Sit in the center of your space and bring the hands together at the heart center. Connect to the third eye, the location of intuition and our internal moon and say the following invocation aloud: 

Moon, keep my eyes open to the messages that come from within me so that I may heed their lessons in my life.

Sit quietly as you call forth a dream image. Ask the unconscious to deliver  an image that you need at this moment. Be patient and pay attention. Do not force or manipulate this process in any way. Rather, stay attuned to your breath. When you receive your dream image, simply observe it. Watch it move, hear it speak, or feel its presence. Rather than impart your own meaning to it, allow it to bring meaning to you. Let it express to you what it needs.

When complete, turn the internal gaze to the third eye and chant Om three times. Place the moonstone (or other white stone) in your hand and hold it to your third eye. This is now charged with the energy of your intuition and helps to connect you to it when needed. Snuff the candles and place the stone somewhere prominently enough that you are reminded daily of the power of your intuition. This ritual allows you to find the meaning in your life, knowing that the meaning always comes from within you.

By Alanna Kaivalya

Alanna believes Yoga is for everyone and each student can develop the self-empowerment needed to embark on a personal journey to meaningful transformation. On this principle she founded The Kaivalya Yoga Method, a fresh take on yoga emphasizing the individual path while honoring tradition. Teaching students since 2001, teachers since 2003, Alanna has written and developed teacher trainings worldwide for top studios and independently. In January she debuted a comprehensive 200hr-online teacher training with YogaDownload. She holds a Ph.D. in Mythological Studies with an Emphasis in Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute, has authored numerous articles and two books: Myths of the Asanas, an accessible practitioner’s guide to stories behind beloved poses; Sacred Sound, a yoga “hymnal,” illustrating the role of chant and mantra in modern practice. Look for her third book, Yoga Beyond the Mat, in Autumn 2016.She lives in New York City with Roxy the Wonderdog.

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