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8 Best Yoga Poses for Holiday Cheer

8 Best Yoga Poses for Holiday Cheer


1. Best Pose for Dashing Through The Snow: Utkatasana

Hop on the chair lift and put that chair pose to work, strengthening your largest muscle groups and creating a powerful foundation.

2. Best Pose for Making Sure The Tree is Straight: Vrksasana

The best way to see the tree is to BE the tree. Get your balance and you’ll be able to tell if the tree has its balance. Squinting helps too.

3. Best Pose for Decorating the Tree: Natarajasana

Reach your heart up and out and you’ll be able to place that ornament just right. Now Dancer, see if you can give Comet and Cupid a hand.

4. Best Pose for Peeking Under the Bed for Presents: Chaturanga

Taking a pause to work the arms, shake, and feel the core of gift giving. Your presence is the greatest present after all.

5. Best Pose For When Baby It’s Cold Outside: Partner Sukhasana

Feel the warmth in supported butterfly pose. Promise, you’ll sit a little taller with friends around.

6. Best Pose for Warming By The Fire: Prasarita Padottanasana

Get your buns nice and toasty and ask, which way to the north pole?

7. Best Pose for Finding the Ornaments Your Cat Knocked Off the Tree: Tiger Pose.

When our furry friends try to do their own decorating, engage your core and get on their level to find the decorations hiding beneath the tree.

8. Best Pose For Gift Overload: Shavasana

We tend to be a little indulgent this time of year. When your brain can’t possibly process another beautiful bow, rest.

Merry everything, Yoga Downloaders. Be sure to check out the Sanity Sanctuary for a curated collection of 15 classes to bring comfort and joy to your holidays.

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Check out this week's featured classes to find a way to decompress from the holiday madness:

1. Eric Paskel / Soulful Slow Flow

Soulful Slow flow is a slow moving vinyasa class without any sun salutations. The slower moving class provides more time to enter and exit positions while having some "quality" time in the pose. There is plenty to work on physically yet with no sun salutations and slower moving flows there is a steadiness that provides room to reflect and listen while moving. Turn it on now and you won't need to turn off all day.

2. Jackie Casal Mahrou / Busy Day Flow

Our busiest days are the most important days to squeeze in a yoga class! Do yourself a favor and make time for this short and sweet flowing class today. You will be thankful that you did. 

This class gives you a little bit of everything in just 30 minutes. Jackie begins by leading you through warming Sun Salutation A & B with variations, and then guides you into deeper postures such as Humble Warrior and Crow Pose (Bakasana). You will finish with a standing balancing posture to invigorate you, a few floor postures to ground you. 

Whether you are just starting your day, or taking a yoga break, you will be happier and more centered after having practiced yoga! Enjoy.

3. Elise Fabricant / Reset Refuge: Crazy Day Decompression

Crazy long day? Feeling harried and overwhelmed? Take refuge on your mat with Elise's restoring 30-minute class. In this session you will gently open your hips and spine, massage your forearms, invigorate your breath and soothe your mind! 

Elise recommends using the following playlist for this class: Reset Refuge

4. Tana Pittman / Kundalini: Be Radiant & Stress Free 

Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan, this set of exercises or Kyriya is known as The Pituitary Gland Series. The Pituitary Gland is the 'Master Gland' of the body regulating the Thyroid, Adrenals and Reproductive Glands. When the Pituitary is healthy and stimulated your metabolism works efficiently, your stress level is low and your intuition guides you. You will feel radiant, light and blessed. After Savasana you will practice a beautiful meditation 'For Blessings' to send blessings to yourself and everyone. Feel free to practice this meditation up to 11 minutes. Music for this class was provided by the lovely Dev Suroop Kaur.


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